

LSAT Graphs



Please help improve the data by updating your LSAT stats here. Check out our comparison of prep companies here.

# hours studied (total):Total number of hours studied spents studying for the LSAT.

LSAT score:The highest official LSAT score achieved. AKA the score that schools care about.

These graphs are still a work in progress! Graphs are limited to 1,000 results for performance.


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hi! I'll be posting results somewhat soon, kinda just haven't gotten around to it and im also weirdly paranoid about privacy lol. But yeah I did! I have a few offers with a little over half tuition and one full ride offer! there are also a ton of waitlists, im only staying on a few of them though
Good be paranoid there’s opps everywhere
yeah i think if i did post it would just be a text summary on a throwaway reddit account
there's also this account with similar stats to us if you're curious: https://www.lsd.law/users/creep/BenCarson
I feel like my UChicago LOCI won’t be as good as my original why Chicago
people go back and forth on how detailed/long a LOCI should be so i think they have a wide spectrum of expectations for what you ought to submit
like whether or not it's a good LOCI is debatable but I doubt they'd throw away your app if your LOCI sin't as strong as your Why Chicago
How can I differentiate it?
i guess now is a good time to stress that im definitely not an expert. tbh i would imagine there's no way to make a super unique LOCI. i think you can incorporate elements from writing why x essays where you make sure to talk about yourself and why you want to go, but it (from what ive heard) really shouldnt be as long as a why X essay
LOCI is just one more document proving you’re normal and can navigate the conventions of the app cycle
some resources I saw said not to go over like 2 body paragraphs, others said you can use a whole page. i think if you just write a heartfelt letter explaining that you are still interested for xyz reasons, and provide any relevant resume/transcript updates, you should be fine
It’s basically a lil filter
a lot of people stay on the waitlist because they just want to see if they come off it or because they forgot to withdraw. its mostly a reminder/tool to see which applicants are still interested
That makes sense
wasp said it better i kinda like yapping
Yap yap yak yak yap yak yak yap
No yak emoji :(
🐁 muad dib
Just finished my NU WL interview.
Now I'm going to go watch an NBA game.
double yay!
Sorry for rehashing my earlier paranoia my anxiety disorder is bad tonight. Sending a two sentence email this evening basically stating in no uncertain, completely absolute terms, far more concrete than I ever have before, that I’ll attend if admitted off the WL isn’t gonna shoot me in the foot because I sent my larger LOCI when they asked for it last week right? Like this is when I originally planned to send my LOCI and so I now feel I kinda rushed it before since they requested it
Like they’re not gonna think this is sloppy right? I basically just said I was so excited to tell them all the things I love about their program I felt like my commitment was lost in the sauce (tho worded way better obviously)
It looks sloppy but the benefit from stating clearly you’ll attend probably heavily outweighs that
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