



What is an Origination Fee ? Plus Other Terms You Should Know When Borrowing for Law School

Uhh, can I phone a friend?
Apr 2, 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Origination Fee
  2. Application Fee
  3. Cosigner
  4. Related Articles

Like every industry (probably worse than most industries) finance throws around terms and expects you to keep up or fall behind. This is LSD's attempt to cut through some of the noise and help you understand the terms they will throw at you when you try to borrow money a public (U.S. Government) or private (any lender or bank) loan.

What is an origination fee? 

  1. If your loan has an origination fee then you will receive less money than you borrow. If you have a 4% origination fee, then you will get 96% of whatever you borrow. Borrow $10k, you will receive $9,600, and interest will accrue on the full $10k. -LSData 
  2. “An origination fee is a percentage of your loan amount charged by the lender for the processing of your loan. Federal student loans have an origination fee; therefore, the amount you may receive as a disbursement may be slightly lower than the amount you accept.” -studentaid.gov

The loans I am applying for have application fees, is that normal?

  1. In short, no; You should reconsider the lender if they are charging application fees. None of our partner lenders charge application fees. 
  2. If you are in a credit position where you can’t qualify for any federal loans or private loans (from more reputable lenders) that you need to attend school, then we recommend reaching out to your university for guidance.  

What is a cosigner?

  1. Simply put, a cosigner is someone who agrees to pay your loans if you can't.
  2. Since two people are putting their name and credit on the line (COSIGN-ing, get it?) you can usually get a better rate than you could alone.
  3. Most private lenders require a cosigner, unless your credit is really strong (above a ~650-680).

Related Articles

  1. How should I Choose a Student Loan?
  2. Oddly specific questions you might be asking when borrowing for law school.
  3. What Law School should I go to?
Windsor MIT '22, Harvard College Advisor

I am the half of LSD that didn't take the LSAT, or go to law school (Sorry about that). But I did go to MIT business school while surrounded by law students and lawyers, so I am somewhat qualified to talk about the intricacies of law school apps and finances.

Windsor (the dog) didn't write this but he WAS a Resident Tutor and career advisor at Harvard College with me, so deserves some credit.




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@joeob897: did you apply YM?
@TriplePuppy: My company said I can come back with my JD and they will find me a spot in house but I don't want to live in Chicago
thats high key dope bulb
Company is big on loyalty not wanting to lose good employees
@HopefullyInLawSchool: i applied in like November regular decision n all
@joeob897: oof goodluck, maybe change one of ur apps to YM
in house attorney in chicago sounds like a cool gig
are you looking to stay close to knoxville after graduating?
i have 5 acceptances already im doing ok
I know someone who im gonna be talking to at Apple's in house, tbh would be cool to work there
damn in house makes good money
@snow: Knoxville or Nashville because I would make enough to afford it as an attorney. Following the money while trying to live where is best for wife and baby
real shit ^^^
makes sense. are you not set on any type of law?
I want to go into Privacy law, working in the IC and being victim of very very bad data breaches and violations of HIPAA makes me want to focus in it. I got time management skills so I should be able to do side advocacy stuff for active duty service members. Everyone focuses on veterans but instead of fixing what is broken maybe stop breaking it?
I also have no legal experience of working knowledge on anything legal so maybe 1l or 2l will open my eyes and motivate me into something else
did someone actually get denied from SLS?
privacy law seems like my kinda thing too
except im a huge gossip
so i dont know if it makes the most sense for me
UTK has a lot of Privacy law course work which was a big attraction for me. Heard great things about how the professor teaches too
i want to study abroad in law school
esp if im on scholarship
Intern at the State department, go work at a UN embassy not really studying abroad but paid time abroad
i wanted to study abroad but it depends where i go
@TriplePuppy: hey trip hows ur neck
my state dept internship was unpaid
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