


Simple English definitions for legal terms


A clear and concise resource for decoding legal jargon. We simplify complex terms for law students, legal professionals, and anyone interested in understanding legal concepts with ease. Don't let legalese hold you back – let our dictionary be your key to unlocking the world of law.

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Read a random definition: Commission of Oyer and Terminer


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I think SMU just needs to take me out back and shoot me
i would love for an "ara and sean have been the same person the whole time" reveal
Fuck you ara, bitchass with a power complex
… no shot he’s about to say it was him the whole time and you manifested that
ok im proposing its actually a jekyll hyde thing specifically and this is jekyll preventing hyde from revealing
@TruthTheX: you gonna be here next year?
As in R&R?
or i guess maybe not retake but just apply earlier
No I can’t go through the mental and emotional stuff again. I don’t want to wait another year and honestly I expect next cycle to be even more competitive. Everyone is waiting for the new LSAT format and it’s election year
Fuck you Ara, no one cares that I’m here, I’m not causing problems, plenty of people have done worse than I have in chat with no punishment, clearly just a loser drunk on power w your arbitrary ass “moderation”
I might try for a transfer if I can miraculously get the grades for it but otherwise nah I’m heading to GW if I don’t get off the WL
solid plan, congrats!
anyone know what time of day fordham usually sends their decisions out?
my hard stats won’t change and I won’t be able to get any good work experience that’ll really improve my odds. I don’t wanna lose out on what I have for the only difference being idk slightly tweaked essays and an October submission I just don’t think the risks are worth it for me
no yeah that's totally fair
@SameSuperLeopard: i got mine around 1pm est mid april
holy fuck its may
Truth why gw over your other acceptances??
If I had a job in the legal sphere or idk even just something in an office I’d probably consider but I was planning to go to law school so I haven’t applied to anything of the sort. I think my work experience is definitely the weakest part of my app as I’m just a barista but I’m proud of my job overall.
i am trying to get into Cooley Law School.
@WhatDoIHaveToLose: I want to work in D.C. in government and out of the options it has the best chance for that
i wish to be a public defender.
will my plan work
also, i have felony. :(
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