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Choosing Where to Apply to Law School - An Admissions Officer's Guide
Research, Introspection, and Everything Else You Should Think About

Applying to the correct set of law schools will enhance your choices when it comes time to choose where to attend. My advice is that you apply to no more than nine law schools and use the following formula (feel free to modify, if needed, but make sure to keep at least one school in each category): You should apply to 3 “Safety Schools” – that is schools where based on your numeric profile and their numbers, you are likely to be admitted; 3 “Target Schools” – that is schools where based on your numeric profile and their numbers, you have a greater than 50% chance of being admitted. You should apply to 3 “Reach Schools” – that is schools where based on your numeric profile and their numbers, you are not likely to be admitted, but there remains a chance. ...

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DavidKirschner on Aug 25, 2023
Interacting Effectively with Law Schools
A Handy Guide on How to Not Become “That Guy"
MelodyWeigel on Aug 25, 2023
Writing Effective Legal Case Briefs for Law Students
How to write a case brief, complete with examples
cryptanon on Aug 15, 2023
10 Essential Tips for Acing Your Law School Application
Your Roadmap to Success (and More Reading)
cryptanon on Aug 15, 2023

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i cannot believe some of yall are genuinely offensive and u wanna go into law
i did like 2 paragraphs - p1: hi I still love you and I'll def come if you let me p2: i love you for xyz reasons mentioned earlier
yall penne or fettuccini for dinner?
@Seagulleagle10: i'm going to for one of my WLs and it's gonna be shorter than my first
@WhatDoIHaveToLose: penne fs
everything ive read has said that LOCIs should be short, and all follow up LOCIs after the initial should be shorter, but thats just my research @seagulleagle
What sauce?
WELL what's the sauce
so u can slurp
why is everyone assuming people have accoms, yall got advanced obs haki or something? or just asspulling to make yourself feel better
the correct answer is entirely dependent on the sauce, darlings
raos for both either vodka or alfredo
@LinskysMom: ok I'm just gonna prolly do the same then that's what I assumed
no no no jar sauce is so gross and sauce is so easy to make
vodka: penne. Alfredo: fettuccini
LOL bruh im too lazy for that
people think accoms diminish your score bc they're literally actually ableist lol. so they see it as insulting to say that you have accoms
@OptimisticOutlier: ok thx for the insight!
If penne then alfredo and fettucccini then penne
switch it up a little
there are ways you can spruce up jarred sauce, add some wine and fresh herbs and fresh garlic
@Skydog1969: NO you're WRONG
Hello ppl
hey Daddy
Is anyone riding out vandy wl
Hi baby
iight were doing penne vodka ! thank you lsd for choosing my dinner tonight lmao
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