



What are "softs" and how are they classified?

LSAT score and GPA are "hard" data. Softs refer to everything in your application that isn't "hard" data.

Softs are inherently unquantifiable. That's why they're called softs.

The tiers below are very rough guidelines for putting a number on something that really can't be quantified. Don't take the tiers too seriously when comparing yourself to other applicants on LSData. Holistically valuing softs is the admissions committee's job.

The soft tier system is copied from an old reddit post by /u/whistleridge.

@adcoms - is this information out of date? Email us at admissions@lsd.law and tell us how we can improve!

Soft tiers

Please do not consider under represented minority (URM) status when classifying your soft tier.

Tier 1 (extremely rare)

  • High decorations for valor (Congressional Medal of Honor, DSC/Navy Cross, Silver Star)
  • Rhodes Scholarship
  • Started multimillion-dollar company/innovative service that is household name
  • C-level executive in publicly traded/Fortune 500 company
  • Professional athlete/college athlete who was a lock for professional except for injury
  • Widely published author/heavily cited academic
  • Prior high expertise in field (surgeon who invented technique, etc.)

Tier 2 (rare)

  • Decorated military service (Purple Heart, Bronze Star)
  • Fulbright/other prestigious scholarship
  • NCAA athlete in standout position, e.g. household basketball name, led water polo team to 3 titles, etc.
  • Overcome extraordinary physical/mental handicap (ALS, blind & deaf, etc.)
  • High level (director, etc.) position in prior employment
  • Prior demonstrations of high expertise (patents, etc.)

Tier 3 (uncommon)

  • Commissioned military service
  • Prestigious undergraduate scholarships and/or research awards
  • NCAA athlete
  • Overcame extraordinary adversity (childhood poverty, physical/mental handicap, etc.)
  • Published academic
  • Peace Corps/Americorps/other public service
  • Prior employment in legal field or otherwise pertinent area (engineer for IP, etc.)
  • Disadvantaged status: LGBTQ+, first in family to attend college, single working parent, etc.

Tier 4 (common)

  • Any military service
  • Legal internships
  • Congressional internships
  • President/officer of clubs/frat/etc.
  • School newspaper/yearbook/etc.
  • Honors societies




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You can appeal an academic dismissal with your school. If this does not work or if you do not currently feel ready to return to law school I would highly recommend taking some time to work and study for the LSAT in order to retake it. You’re going to want to put distance between you and your academic dismissal and you can do this by showing you will be professionally and academically able to perform in law school.
Look at pages 45-46 of this document, which outline the steps you can take to appeal academic dismissal at Drake
The issues you had at the time were that you were sick and you have a cognitive disability. Sounds like you should be arguing that you need better accommodations for your cognitive disability so this doesn’t happen again
Who up
Lol first time being academically dismissed? Join the club. @Cellarwhen
Should only happen once before you learn though. Fix your life over the next 8 years and you will be better off for it.
Lie to the community college counselor about any previous academic history and start over.
Audriix being proped up by her Stanford Law Boyfriend. SMH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlpubyuHuKE
Just wondering on people's perspectives here... I am currently employed full-time as a 911 dispatcher. I started out this cycle applying to a few part-time online programs that I would *theoretically* be able to retain my job for at least as long as it remains feasible for me with that workload. However, I eventually applied to in-person full-time programs as well. So my question is; if you were in my position and received offers from both, which direction would you lean? Or, more importantly, what factors would tend to influence your decision? I have received a few now but have not made up my mind.
Also, if you're curious about 911 dispatch, AMA. I love the job.
If you love the job, probably part time.
The asterisk there is that the plan revolves around keeping that job; if the academic needs of the program become too much to handle, I can't just go part-time. So I see a possible situation where I commit to a part-time online program, then end up having to leave my job anyway, when I could have attended an in-person school at a higher sticker price but substantially higher salary stats.
I may just be talking myself into it anyway. Lol
I be farting fr fr
Is anyone cool and/or fun going to Berkeley ASW?
Nah but you can meet my 1L friend if you want.
Pull up or you’re fake
I got the R from them loooooonnngggg ago lmfao. Rude to go to parties you are not invited to
Ennywun wonna cop mah mix tape
Sorry, I don't listen to music.
does anyone know what Georgetown is doing this year for their aid form?
Erryone post they lsat
My LAST is a 168! Used to be a 158!
I've been sitting at this wine bar and this nice woman in her 20's walks in but she's a corpo so she's around her corpo coworkers. I fought off this one Asian guy who wanted to talk about fucking fly fishing and heloc loans and they literally did a switcheroo. Now I have to fight this 45 year old corpo woman who wants to give the 20+ year old woman life advice. It would be much easier if I could break my wine glass and shove the sharp part through the 45 year old woman's neck because I ain't in the mood for a boss fight but just take not. This is what dating as a man is like in your late 20's when bitches are more interested in a 10k dollar raise to 120k than actually living.
She just walked out. I should have done something. Should have said she something to that corpo bitch go break the conversation. Oh fucking well. Women do it to themselves.
girl ngl i couldn’t even follow that story
Ahh yeah, some words are misspelled. Late night windy. What a sunday.
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