

LSAT Graphs



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# hours studied (total):Total number of hours studied spents studying for the LSAT.

LSAT score:The highest official LSAT score achieved. AKA the score that schools care about.

These graphs are still a work in progress! Graphs are limited to 1,000 results for performance.


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im already an asshole but when i slip those shoes on....
you got this valley!
@pug: are you just the female me? Lmao
im telling you we wouldve been pals if we crossed paths in westwood
convince yourself that the LSAT is fun
i also showed up to work at my firm first day in dress pants dress shirt and dress shoes just to see people walking around in jeans and hoodies
yall i cant wait to go on f'ing vacation
because it is fun
zuck im not having fun
they are trying to trick you. each question is a puzzle that can be solved
of course the lsat is fun its just a multiple hour long puzzle game we love puzzles
i have a love hate relationship with lsat
I love logic games. I hate LR.
Lsat becomes fun whence you’re in the 175+ range tbh, you learn all the bullshit tricks they’re pulling
RC has been slowly becoming my friend
im studying new format so i dont even get silly games
just logic shit and longer passage logic shit
i already dont love RC but i just loathe the questions that are like "if the novel as described in this passage were a dish, what cuisine would it be from" and im just like "fuck you"
@manifestT14acceptances: lmfaooo that's so true
share the bullshit tricks lmao
@SeanStrickland2024: god i wanna be THERE FUCK
I FINALLY figured out rule substitution questions in LG last night and I was so excited lmao
oh one tip for rc: when its like "what option best describes the piece and its structure" and each option is like a paragraph long, start with the last part of each option and go backwards since the beginning of each option is the same and designed to eat up those seconds
I loved games. Straight up I wish I could find books with them outside of study materials for the LSAT I wanna do them for fun
Lmao the bullshit trick they pull most often is putting one word in the LR questions that makes the answer wrong while most of the answer looks really good
I love logic games. It's like brain teasers. Probably why I enjoy puzzles and sudoku lol
love lg salty its going away and not given as an option moving forward
Tip for RC: read for what the author is trying to use the passage for rather than what the passage explicitly says, will make it much easier
you guys might enjoy dual n back if you're into puzzles
Okay real talk my sudoku skills literally doubled after LSAT studying I play it all the time and then one day I was just seeing so many more “obvious numbers”
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