



How do I succeed in law school?

Tips for Law School Success
Tags: 1L, final exams, law school success
Jun 13, 2023

Team LSData here with unsolicited tips for law school, curated by a top 10% HLS grad.

Topic of the week: How do I succeed in law school?

Work hard. Work smart. Success in law school requires dedication, discipline, and strategy. Your post-law school outcomes will largely rely on two factors: your grades and your networking.

Law School Grades: For most law schools, the only grades you receive will be from a single final exam at the end of each course. There’s no homework, no midterm, just the final exam, which is usually a 3-hour in-class essay. Your goal from day 1 should be to crush your finals.

  1. Be dedicated: Law school isn't just a sequel to your college days—it's where you prep for your future career. Treat it like a full-time job, not just an extension of college. Your mindset should be to dedicate at least 40 hours per week to school.
  2. Be disciplined: Like I said, treat law school like a job. Don't skip your 8am Contracts class because you're hungover, and don't procrastinate on your readings to binge watch The Office for the fourth time.
  3. Be strategic: Your job is to crush your exams, not to memorize the facts of every case, not to answer every cold call perfectly, and not even to do all the assigned readings. Understand what your professors are teaching, but more importantly, figure out what their exams are asking, and what kind of answers they want from you.

Key Tips:

  1. Learn your professors' preferences: Each has their own teaching style and grading criteria. Understand what they expect in exam answers. Some professors prefer an in-depth analysis to demonstrate mastery of fine detail, while others want concise and direct answers that show a holistic understanding of how all the pieces fit together. Consider asking your professors during office hours. Or better yet, hit up the student exam bank for exams that received top marks. Read them and emulate them on your exam.
  2. Concentrate on key legal concepts: Avoid memorizing every case detail; instead, understand the key principles behind them.
  3. Prioritize wisely: The heavy workload in law school demands efficient prioritization. Focus on what matters most to your grades and long-term goals. Balance between readings, classes, and extracurricular activities. Don't try to do everything. You'll burn out.

Remember, your goal is not to be the most well-read or the most participative in class (don’t be a gunner), but to get the best grades possible on your exams. Focus your energy and resources towards this goal.

Next week’s topic: What should I be doing this summer to prep for 1L?

LSD+ has everything you need to take your studies to the next level and crush your 1L exams. We offer over 50,000 case briefs; each with an integrated legal dictionary and deep dive tool that make it as easy as possible to prepare for class. Plus, with millions more cases at your fingertips, you'll be prepared for whatever the professor throws at you. Our short video summaries make studying efficient, so you can effectively use your time - on the bus or in the library. Learn more or subscribe to LSD+ today.

cryptanon HLS '22 & LSD creator

Tech-focused creator of LSD.Law. I built LSD while applying to law school. I saw unequal access to knowledge and built LSD to level the playing field and help applicants make thoughtful, well-informed decisions in the application process.




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Audriix being proped up by her Stanford Law Boyfriend. SMH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlpubyuHuKE
Just wondering on people's perspectives here... I am currently employed full-time as a 911 dispatcher. I started out this cycle applying to a few part-time online programs that I would *theoretically* be able to retain my job for at least as long as it remains feasible for me with that workload. However, I eventually applied to in-person full-time programs as well. So my question is; if you were in my position and received offers from both, which direction would you lean? Or, more importantly, what factors would tend to influence your decision? I have received a few now but have not made up my mind.
Also, if you're curious about 911 dispatch, AMA. I love the job.
If you love the job, probably part time.
The asterisk there is that the plan revolves around keeping that job; if the academic needs of the program become too much to handle, I can't just go part-time. So I see a possible situation where I commit to a part-time online program, then end up having to leave my job anyway, when I could have attended an in-person school at a higher sticker price but substantially higher salary stats.
I may just be talking myself into it anyway. Lol
I be farting fr fr
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Nah but you can meet my 1L friend if you want.
Pull up or you’re fake
I got the R from them loooooonnngggg ago lmfao. Rude to go to parties you are not invited to
Ennywun wonna cop mah mix tape
Sorry, I don't listen to music.
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Erryone post they lsat
My LAST is a 168! Used to be a 158!
[deleted by starfishies]
[deleted by starfishies]
girl ngl i couldn’t even follow that story
Ahh yeah, some words are misspelled. Late night windy. What a sunday.
I don't think you like women very much.
U good there bud
i dont think he good
Waht up whorediots? Rumor has it big berkeley wave soon
not even a rumor, just based on statistical facts
i didn't think they released on mondays
oh soon
yeah hopefully this week
they released ED on a monday tho, its really any day now
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