


Simple English definitions for legal terms

ad valorem

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A quick definition of ad valorem:

Ad valorem is a Latin term that means "according to the value." In taxes, it refers to taxes that are based on the value of something, like property. The tax rate is determined by how much the property is worth, which is usually assessed or appraised regularly.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Ad valorem is a Latin term that means "according to the value." In taxation, it refers to taxes that are levied based on the value of the property being taxed. The tax rate is determined by the assessed or appraised value of the property.

For example, if a house is valued at $500,000 and the ad valorem tax rate is 1%, the property owner would owe $5,000 in taxes.

Another example would be a sales tax that is based on the price of the item being sold. If a state has a 5% ad valorem sales tax and a person buys a car for $20,000, they would owe $1,000 in sales tax.

These examples illustrate how ad valorem taxes are based on the value of the property or item being taxed. The higher the value, the higher the tax owed.

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I used to write for CNN and AP so idk what to think of that XD
lol ok bud
@dkkm10: whats your favorite grape variety
@dkkm10: enjoy your wine :)
@ddkm10: i had a beautiful valpolicella ripasso classico superiore in rome the other day. what do u think about that
sorry not classico. just valpolicella ripasso superiore
they definitely overcharged me in the restaurant but it was a good wine for a fair price (couldve been better)
Pinotage from South Africa. If you get a good bottle it is unique and beautiful. If you get a bad one it tastes like grape cough syrup. Last time I had a Valpolicella was Valentines Day. I normally do not like the cranberry notes you get from the semi dried Corvina grapes but it was a very nice wine for Valentines day.
Crazy upcoming grapes I have also been into recently are Kerner and Solaris but really, all wine is good.
i went to a winery near cornell called castel grisch (take notes wasp!!!) and they only grew local varietals, even one produced by cornell viticultural students and faculty called "cayuga". the other was chancellor and the winery did a blend of those two grapes
Just resigned from teaching after seven years!! So excited to start this new chapter in a new decade.
nice valley!!! youre a superstar!
It feels surreal but I’m so excited to be going back to school :’)
whats your plan again valley?
The father/mother of Cayuga is a grape called Seyval Blanc and some other grape. I have never had it but it is on my list. Good choice. @sireggan
HELP! I hadn't yet completed my application to ASU (still waiting on both LOR's as well as an updated undergrad transcript), but for some reason, the application status in lsac says "complete" and I received an email from ASU saying that they are reviewing my application. Has this ever had something like this happen?
I'm worried that I'll get a denial since it's not even truly complete, and then I wont be able to apply again for this 2023-2024 cycle (the application deadline is July 15th by the way)
@SirEggan: notes taken! thank you
@ValleyH: congratulations, excited for you for this new chapter in your life
I’m planning on pursuing paralegal work while I R&R for Fall 2025 :)
oh dude you’re gonna have some fancy acceptances in 25 with legal WE
it basically doubles your chances at every school
Oooh I’m excited!
should i send gulc another loci? i sent one 2 weeks ago and have 0 real updates but they sent me the hang tight email last week so it sounds like theyre making moves at some point hopefully
i think worst case you come off as overexcited for a waitlist admission
which isnt bad really
and best case you toss your name in the mix for a spot if it opens up
cayuga is an Indian tribe and also the name of a very pretty duck with iridescent feathers that lays gray eggs
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