Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Anglicé: A word that means "in English". It was used in the past to show that a Latin word or phrase was being translated into English, like saying "panis, Anglicé, bread".
Anglicé means "in English". It is a French word that was used in the past to show that a Latin word or phrase was being translated into English. For example, "panis, Anglicé, bread" means "panis, in English, bread".
1. "Veni, vidi, vici, Anglicé, I came, I saw, I conquered."
2. "Memento mori, Anglicé, remember that you will die."
These examples show how Anglicé was used in the past to provide an English translation of a Latin phrase. The first example translates the famous phrase "veni, vidi, vici" into English, while the second example provides an English equivalent for "memento mori".