






Simple English definitions for legal terms

arrestable offense

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A quick definition of arrestable offense:

An arrestable offense is when someone breaks the law and can be arrested for it. It can be a small crime or a big one, like stealing or hurting someone. In England, an arrestable offense is when the punishment is set by law or if the crime can lead to five years in jail.

A more thorough explanation:

An arrestable offense is a violation of the law that can result in an arrest. It is a crime, often a minor one, that can lead to imprisonment or other penalties. In English law, an offense is considered arrestable if the punishment is fixed by law or if a statute authorizes imprisonment for up to five years.

  • Larceny: This is an acquisitive offense that involves the unlawful appropriation of another person's property. It is a type of theft that can result in an arrest.
  • Assault: This is an offense that involves the threat of violence or the use of force against another person. It is a type of violent crime that can lead to an arrest.
  • Drug possession: This is an offense that involves the possession of illegal drugs. It is a type of drug crime that can result in an arrest.

These examples illustrate how an offense can be considered arrestable if it violates the law and can lead to imprisonment or other penalties. They also show how different types of crimes can fall under the category of arrestable offenses.

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@VolatileClumsyAcolyte: probably reached out to their S tier applicants first, you will need a bit of luck anyway so it is normal they didnt immedietly get back to you because that immediate response couldve been an R!!
@myproudestnut: that gives me so much hope actually. I feel like if they werent interested in my application they wouldve rejected me by now. maybe theyll put me on waitlist or something too, ugh. sucks to be below both medians because you never really know if u got in until like march lol
im ED at CLS with 163 and 3.6, if i get in ill lose my shit
yep the below both medians life does not include timely responses and instant gratification unfortunately. Be grateful for no news because it could have been immediate bad news
someone did tell me that after group II they had radio silence for over three months and then got in LOL so i know it doesn't mean much but im still so annoyed 😭 ppl who interviewed later than me have already gotten decisions
u never know!
who knows jack they could have been perfect stat applicants whos uncle is a congressman
or a big 4 accounting exectuvie
a million possibilities
nah ppl w stats lower than mine have gotten in it's so annoying
really high hopes for washU, had a preapp interview and applied on the same day... the status box disappeared the day after
yea but they could have 15 years of WE u dont have
which brings me to a question, how does washu place in nyc BL? i cant seem to find stats
place in chicago more than NYC
so probably not worth for me to take a loan for washu even if i get in
if the goal is nyc bl and u have to pick between cardozo and washu where you goin
depends on where else you get in, its a great school
cardozo prob has more connections, oci
that also brings me to a question: is it possible to work in Chicago biglaw for a couple years then switch to NY biglaw or is that not possible (sorry if this is a stupid question, I dont have any lawyers in my family lol)
if you're NY or bust, i would go to cardozo
my goal being nyc bl im really just hoping for a CLS miracle and if not maybe NYU and if not maybe GULC and if not at least Fordham, Cardozo or Brooklyn Law the last resort...
@WorthlessAttractiveZombie: from my knowledge lots of firms have offices in both cities and it's pretty possible to swithc domestically, i know that switching to a different country might be an issue but you could read biglaw reddit, lots of useful info on there
i would say if BL is your deal breaker, go Wash U. If NYC is ur deal breaker, go cardozo. Your gonna need to be in the very top of your class at cardozo to go BL, whereas youll need to be top half at Wash U
thank you acolyte
@myproudestnut: WashU seems like a very good pick for me. kind of worried about the St.Louis location but nothing scarier than Brooklyn which is where im at rn LOL but yea, ranking matters sadly. hopefully WashU has a wave this week.
What do graduates from HYS do anyhow? Big law?
big law, though some do unicorn PI
Also lots of federal clerkships, and then biglaw or PI after
i've seen some go into Ph.D straight and enter the academia, especially from Yale
There was a few people at the place I interned last summer who went to HYS and it seemed like the path was appellate clerkship -> biglaw -> unicorn PI
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