


Simple English definitions for legal terms

bargained-for exchange

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A quick definition of bargained-for exchange:

Term: Bargained-for exchange

Definition: When two people make a deal, they agree to give something to each other. This is called a bargained-for exchange. For example, if you promise to mow your neighbor's lawn, and they promise to pay you $20, that's a bargained-for exchange. Both of you are getting something you want in return for something you're giving.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: A bargained-for exchange is an agreement between two parties in which one party promises to do something in exchange for something else from the other party.

For example, if you agree to mow your neighbor's lawn in exchange for $20, that is a bargained-for exchange. You are promising to do the work of mowing the lawn, and your neighbor is promising to pay you $20.

In legal terms, this exchange is known as consideration. Both parties must give something of value in order for the contract to be valid.

Another example of a bargained-for exchange is when you sign a lease for an apartment. You promise to pay rent each month, and in exchange, the landlord promises to let you live in the apartment.

These examples illustrate the definition of a bargained-for exchange because in both cases, there is an agreement between two parties in which each party is giving something of value in exchange for something else. This is what makes the contract legally binding.

bargain-and-sale deed | bargain money


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ooh this is like a romance book
[] ararara
@s95: My cousin is an immigration attorney who recently argued in front of the supreme court. He attended the University of Houston for law school. There are so many good schools for immigration law, countless clinics.
[] ararara
@s95: The higher the rank though basically means more opportunities possibly with a debt trade off. It's hard for me to say more without knowing your goals though. Awesome you already have an idea what you want to do as a lawyer!
[] ararara
I would research immigration law clinics
@s95: generally school specialties are kind of silly. it’s usually the rank of the school that determines the opportunities you can get from it across the board
with caveats for strong regional schools with a regional focus and so on
@s95 University of San Diego
@dkkm10: nice diss
Ahh well I kinda meant that seriously given I know 3 attorneys who went there and they did immigration law afterwards.
They have a really strong immigration clinic too.
Happy fourth of july future lawyers !! :)
USD actually does really well for immigration in the SoCal region, and is known to have a great clinic.
Just graduated law school, studying for the bar exam now, came back to wish you all a happy 4th and good luck in the fall!!!
Do y'all think adcoms are working tomorrow? Curious about emailing a school I am admitted into
My friend goes to USD
I know professors there. They are uber nice and smart
@ThiagoSplitter2024: i think it's probably on a school-by-school basis. like if that school is open then their admissions office probably is
how cooked is a 3.65 and 174 from an ivy for t14
you are fine....
Assuming decent softs/essays/recs, a 3.65/174 will get you into whichever T14s (maybe even T6s) need to defend their LSAT median
Most schools can't fill their class with people above both medians (by definition) and high LSATs are scarcer so they get you more leeway
you get more gpa leeway the better ranked your school is too
Do I got a decent shot at a school like fordham with a 164 3.95? I see the predictor gives a high percentage but was told not to trust those numbers
i plugged those numbers into LSData and about 4 out of 43 applicants with those stats reported being accepted. however this data is all self-reported and not exhaustive of the entire applicant pool. it looks like most LSData users with those stats reported being waitlisted, and people who are admitted from a waitlist often don't report it
I see I was doing it wrong
What percentage of applicants actually do report to LSD?
it looks like this past cycle about 1300 people reported applying to fordham on LSD out of the ~6300 applications total that fordham received
you should really try to get your lsat score up if you’ve got a 3.95 gpa. you spent 4 years doing very well in school you should get an lsat to match that
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