


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of conditio:


Definition: Conditio is a Latin word that means a condition. It refers to a situation or circumstance that must be met for something to happen or be true. For example, if you want to go to the park, the condition might be that you finish your homework first.

A more thorough explanation:


Conditio is a Latin word that means a condition.

  • If you want to borrow my car, the conditio is that you return it with a full tank of gas.
  • The job offer came with the conditio that I relocate to a different city.

The examples illustrate that conditio refers to a requirement or stipulation that must be met in order for something to happen or be granted. In the first example, the condition is that the borrower must return the car with a full tank of gas. In the second example, the condition is that the job applicant must be willing to relocate to a different city.

condictio | conditio sine qua non


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anyone have good resources for revising a personal statement for reuse after applying with it last cycle?
Any guesses when Cornell and Penn CRS fee waivers will go out?
@Quillinit: from my recollection, chicago and cornell collapse complete/UR1 into a single step, so they may simply not be ready to begin reviewing applications
i think it's fair to assume, barring a handful of schools like UVA, most schools won't begin reviewing applications in earnest until the beginning of next month at the earliest, so it wouldn't be surprising to hear that applications are just sitting in the queue
@oakenrays: I was just gonna write a new one personally but I think you want to make it recognizably different from your previous PS
@baddestbunny: definitely agree that some revision and additional information is warranted but, my why law is the same... I guess just tell the same story in a different way
ugh fineeee I'll write a new stupid essay
yeah I told my last essay about a formative experience and am trying to update it now to be about what I’ve learned since that experience
recently wrapped up interview
i re-wrote my PS this cycle when I reapplied
fire drill at work
so lit
oh fun @info-man, Chicago just changed to complete today, so we'll see
do you have to have lawhub advantage for the lsd status checker to work
lawhub kind of a freaky ass name now that i think about it
The reason why today’s Image-Fiction isn’t the rescue from a passive, addictive TV-psychology that it tries so hard to be is that most Image-Fiction writers render their material with the same tone of irony and self-consciousness that their ancestors, the literary insurgents of Beat and postmodernism, used so effectively to rebel against their own world and context. And the reason why this irreverent postmodern approach fails to help the new Imagists transfigure TV is simply that TV has beaten the new Imagists to the punch.
idk lsd status checker button hasn't worked for me this whole cycle so far
i just noticed i sent an email to an adcom and spelled their last name wrong...
how cooked am I?
rip king
some adcoms don’t care some are very persnickety about that kind of thing
automatic R
im done. this cycle isn't even fully started and im already spiraling
mandatory little treat day today
get yourself something yummy
i already had a little silly drink...
hahaha okok
get one for me. to celebrate my R
some adcoms legit don’t care could be fine
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