Simple English definitions for legal terms
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A custodial parent is the parent who lives with and takes care of their child most of the time. This is different from the noncustodial parent who only sees the child sometimes. Sometimes both parents share custody equally. Custodial parents might have the right to make important decisions for the child, or they might have to share that right with the noncustodial parent. Custodial parents have to follow rules set by the court, like letting the noncustodial parent visit the child or not moving away without permission.
A custodial parent is a parent who lives with and takes care of their child for most or all of the time. This is different from a noncustodial parent who may only have limited time with the child or visitation rights. In some cases, both parents may share physical custody equally, making them both custodial parents.
Physical custody is different from legal custody, which is the right to make important decisions for the child. A custodial parent may have sole physical and legal custody, meaning they do not need to consult the noncustodial parent in decision-making. Alternatively, they may share legal custody with the noncustodial parent, which means they must consult each other on major issues about the child regardless of who the child lives with.
Custodial parents are often required to follow court orders regarding the noncustodial parent, such as facilitating visitation or not moving out of a certain location without approval.
These examples illustrate the definition of a custodial parent as a parent who lives with and cares for their child for most or all of the time. They also show the difference between physical and legal custody and how custodial parents may have different levels of decision-making power depending on their custody arrangement.