


Simple English definitions for legal terms

debet et detinet

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A quick definition of debet et detinet:

Debet et detinet: A phrase used in old legal documents that means "he owes and detains." It was used when a creditor sued a debtor and stated that the defendant not only owed the debt but was also holding onto something that belonged to the plaintiff. If the action was brought against someone other than the original debtor, it was called "in the detinet alone."

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Debet et detinet is a legal term that means "he owes and detains." It was used in declarations in actions for debt when the original creditor sued the original debtor. The declaration stated that the defendant "owes to" as well as "detains from" the plaintiff the debt or thing in question.

  • John borrowed $100 from Jane and has not paid her back. Jane can sue John for the debt he owes and the fact that he is detaining her money. This is known as an action in debet et detinet.
  • If John had died and his executor refused to pay Jane back, she could still sue for the debt alone. This is known as an action in detinet alone.

The examples illustrate how debet et detinet was used in legal actions for debt. It was used to describe the situation where the debtor owed money and was also detaining the creditor's property or money. If the action was brought against someone other than the original debtor, then the action was said to be "in the detinet alone."

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@ThiagoSplitter2024: i think it's probably on a school-by-school basis. like if that school is open then their admissions office probably is
how cooked is a 3.65 and 174 from an ivy for t14
you are fine....
Assuming decent softs/essays/recs, a 3.65/174 will get you into whichever T14s (maybe even T6s) need to defend their LSAT median
Most schools can't fill their class with people above both medians (by definition) and high LSATs are scarcer so they get you more leeway
you get more gpa leeway the better ranked your school is too
Do I got a decent shot at a school like fordham with a 164 3.95? I see the predictor gives a high percentage but was told not to trust those numbers
i plugged those numbers into LSData and about 4 out of 43 applicants with those stats reported being accepted. however this data is all self-reported and not exhaustive of the entire applicant pool. it looks like most LSData users with those stats reported being waitlisted, and people who are admitted from a waitlist often don't report it
I see I was doing it wrong
What percentage of applicants actually do report to LSD?
it looks like this past cycle about 1300 people reported applying to fordham on LSD out of the ~6300 applications total that fordham received
you should really try to get your lsat score up if you’ve got a 3.95 gpa. you spent 4 years doing very well in school you should get an lsat to match that
[] ararara
@HangingAboriginalLeopard: you know your goals and how much effort you’ve put into getting your already excellent score but I’m with wasp if you don’t feel like you’ve reached your full potential then take the challenge head on! Grab the devil by the horns! Stamp that man into the ground!!
[] ararara
Somewhere he’ll never get out!!!!
for those of you wondering if admissions offices are working today i got an email from an adcomm today responding to something i sent earlier in the week
What does an interview for a transfer student at george mason mean?
JB was here yesterday dang it!!
Are law schools open today or do they also have another day off considering it's sandwiched between July 4th and the weekend?
they're open
is wash u open
@HangingAboriginalLeopard: my lsat is a 168, but i got the fordham wl this cycle. i applied to it as a safety, so im kinda surprised about the wl
washu is open
vanderbilt clearly is
Why clearly lol
two acceptances today
what !! Crazy
oh congrats to the vandy admits!!!
Hi everybody, I am applying to schools this August. I could use some brief help with optics for my personal statement, as I am a first-gen student in every regard--even at the high school graduate level.
what help are you looking for!
happy to give advice if helpful
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