


Simple English definitions for legal terms

design specification

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A quick definition of design specification:

A design specification is a document that outlines what one party will do for another party in a contract. It includes details such as inspection and acceptance, quality-assurance requirements, packing and marking, data requirements, and training. There are two types of specifications in a design specification: performance specifications and design specifications. Performance specifications set the minimum requirements for items to be supplied, while design specifications establish the methods to be used in meeting those requirements.

A more thorough explanation:

A design specification is a document that outlines what one party, such as a seller, will do for another party, such as a buyer. It is often included as a contractual provision or exhibit in a statement of work.

The statement of work typically covers terms such as inspection and acceptance, quality-assurance requirements, packing and marking, data requirements, and training. There are two types of specifications in a statement of work: performance specifications and design specifications.

Performance specifications establish the minimum requirements for items to be supplied, while design specifications establish the methods to be used in meeting those minimum requirements.

For example, a company may hire a contractor to build a website. The statement of work would include a design specification outlining the specific features and functionality the website must have, such as a shopping cart and a contact form. The performance specification would outline the minimum requirements for the website's speed, security, and accessibility.

designer drug | design-specification contract


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wait maybe you guys are right
[] ararara
What does that matter if you're going to law school though
[] ararara
@OptimisticOutlier: check out everything I said up there ✌️
would love to not waste that money rn (kinda just figured if i was gonna be 300k in debt after school and extra 2k couldn't hurt too much lol)
i will!! gonna go through those now, thank you!!
[] ararara
Off to my phone call. Hope everybody has a great day and feels like they're streaking into the heavens at mach 3.
godspeed ara
[] ararara
Check out uva, u mich, Kristi and Miriam’s podcast, Spivey podcast etc etc
i'm not even exaggerating when i tell you i've listened to every episode of every one of those pods... and took notes on most
[] ararara
@manifestmoreadmissions: thanks I'm going to tell him what you said about not being enough to show we all go through the adult sized blender sometimes
i just feel like i'm too dumb to get in anywhere good on my own idk i hate admissions
what kinda law are you trying to go into?
big law doing some M&A stuff then going in house at a priv equity firm (I work in PE now and think it's interesting, would rather work w contracts than excel though)
the doom is getting so bad
yup lol
my 9-5 is checking all of these sites lmao
time to clock out for the day
[] ararara
@letseehowthisgoes: PI and hopefully space law
[] ararara
If you’re dooming fr it’s a good idea to get off of this site! Go pick up a healthy habit! Use this moment to prepare for the future where if we’re on the right track the challenges will be much more intense.
[] ararara
I know it’s easier said than done though.
[] ararara
@manifestmoreadmissions: my friend’s ex apparently took to instagram to post about how “you shouldn’t rush into finding your person” in a lengthy post to the world after editing him out of her stories. Break ups X social media. Remember when things used to be kind of private? I don’t really though haha it’s always been like this for us in our generation.
@manifestmoreadmissions: nobody hates you and they’re not going to fire you. that’s just lies your brain is telling you because it’s hardwired to survive in a dangerous prairie and doesn’t know what to do without constant threats from wild animals
@manifestmoreadmissions: you are awesome
i am just catching up
no way you're getting fired by anyone
you guys are so sweet and oof rip your friend dating sucks so bad these days
Well, for me UC Irvine and Scalia Law both sent out registration links for an update seminar on the waitlist, while UC Davis said they were full. I will take this week as a win because I heard something. Hopefully that means the rest of my waitlisted universities will give me an update soon. Good day!
for waitlisted applicants*
[] ararara
The presidential debate broke all of reddit haha
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