A dormant judgment is a court decision that has not been enforced within a certain time limit. This means that any legal claim to the judgment may have been lost, and the creditor must revive the judgment before they can take any action to enforce it. It is important to note that a dormant judgment is not the same as a void judgment, which has no legal force or effect.
A more thorough explanation:
Dormant Judgment
A dormant judgment is a court order that has not been enforced within the time limit set by law. This means that any judgment lien may have been lost, and execution cannot be issued unless the judgment creditor first revives the judgment.
i’m in the same boat mastermonkey but with lower stats. i hope i hear back by mid march
@mastermonkey45: Looking at some of the recent decisions in relation to when they went complete, I'd say it's a good sign. It seems many declines were sent within about 5-6 weeks of completion. Given those were applications that were SENT in January, I'd say that means you're still solidly in the running. :)