






Simple English definitions for legal terms

equal protection of the laws

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A quick definition of equal protection of the laws:

Equal protection of the laws means that the government must treat everyone the same way, unless there is a good reason not to. This is a rule in the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution. It means that laws cannot discriminate against people based on things like their race or gender. If a law does discriminate, it must have a good reason for doing so. This is to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and equally under the law.

A more thorough explanation:

Equal protection of the laws is a principle in the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution that requires the government to treat all people equally under the law. This means that the government cannot discriminate against a person or group of people based on their race, gender, religion, or other characteristics.

For example, if a law is passed that only allows men to vote, this would be a violation of equal protection because it discriminates against women. Similarly, if a law is passed that only allows people of a certain race to attend a certain school, this would also be a violation of equal protection.

In order for a law to be considered constitutional under equal protection, it must have a rational basis for any discrimination. This means that the government must have a good reason for treating people differently, and the reason must be related to a legitimate government interest.

Overall, equal protection of the laws is an important principle that helps to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and equally under the law.

Equal Protection Clause | equal protection under the law




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He just wants me to tutor him
Well tell that buckeye user that Ohio state should accept me
had to refresh to see the juicy apple messages
Lol I aint gunna take the LSAT a 5th time. Not a 3rd year doing this bs lol.
Yeah, I would rather have her tutor me.
I wish I had 3 years to study lol. But honestly once I reached the 160s I was like bro at this point on it wouldn’t be based on logic and reading anymore but rather based on little tricks that pertain to the LSAT specifically and I was too burnt out to care
beat the odds, do numbers, and remain humble.
This gap year has been a nightmare in terms of my restlessness. I can’t wait another 2 years to begin my life and start my Plans for the future
A little yeah.
When in doubt gain a few years of experience and get a LLM at a top tier university. That’s what I’m planning if I still want to go down the natsoc branch
yeah I wouldn't know anything about the natsoc branch. Sorry.
Can anyone offer any advice I think I am about to get dinged by a finding of Misconduct and Irregularity but not sure, LSAC said my undergraduate university didn't exist but it does and I attended classes there online during high school how do I prove to LSAC that it exists
Does natsoc branch mean you’re a nazi?
@CravenLovingKoala: IDK u gotta prove that tho for sure. maybe it doesnt exist anymore? some schools are doing this
Yes it did close down , thank you
@UnderRepresentedTryhard I'll put in a good word once I get in. lol
@CravenLovingKoala: Can you contact the school, give them your L number, and have them contact LSAC on your behalf?
@CravenLovingKoala: find out who issued your schools accreditation.
@CravenLovingKoala: most schools that have closed have another institution that is in charge of the old institution's records. Do you know who that is?
@CravenLovingKoala: copied from LSAC's website: The institution is closed. (These transcripts are usually maintained by the department of higher education or by another school in the state in which the school was located, so you will need to contact the state’s department of higher education. For international transcripts, contact the Ministry of Education in the country where the school was located.)
I used a third party delivery service to send the transcript but the university is unaccredited by any state or anything, so honestly I don't know how they accepted the transcript in the first place. But they did and now they're saying it doesn't exist but it does
Thank you for your help
I just know someone who helped me get started in the classes that worked at the University, but I don't know whether or not he is in charge of the records and I don't think there is any website for the school
Perhaps use the chat function with LSAC? I've seen this come up a couple of times, so you certainly aren't alone. Hopefully an easy fix. 🤞🏻
Thank you
why are there so little Rs for vandy?? are they doing a huge R wave?
@HeadyInvincibleRabbit: they like to WL everyone. A WL at Vandy is like a 1/1000 chance of getting off the WL.
Saw a 170/3.9 get denied by UNC yep the most UNC thing ever lol. They don’t accept their own undergrads for UNC grad school lol
UC's are usually the same way.
@UnderRepresentedTryhard: let me read that optional essay im curious
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