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Definition: Erosion is when the earth's surface is slowly worn away by natural forces like water, wind, and ice. This can happen to soil, rocks, and even mountains over a long period of time. It's like when you rub your hands together and they become smooth, but on a much larger scale.
Definition: Erosion is the process of wearing away something by the action of natural elements, especially the gradual eating away of soil by currents or tides.
Examples: When a river flows, it carries away small particles of soil and rocks, causing the riverbank to erode. Similarly, strong winds can erode sand dunes in a desert, and waves can erode the coastline.
Explanation: The examples illustrate how natural elements like water, wind, and waves can cause erosion by gradually wearing away the surface of the earth. Erosion can have a significant impact on the environment, causing changes in landscapes and affecting ecosystems. It is important to understand erosion and take steps to prevent it, such as planting vegetation to stabilize soil or building structures to protect coastlines.