Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Free warren is a special permission given to someone to keep and protect certain animals like rabbits, pheasants, and partridges in a specific area called a warren. In the past, people could hunt these animals anywhere they wanted, but when the kings and queens of England decided that these animals were their property, they created the free warren privilege to protect them. This privilege gives the person who has it the right to be the only one who can hunt these animals in their warren area. It's like being a gamekeeper for the king or queen. No one else can hunt these animals in that area unless they have the same privilege.
Definition: Free warren is a privilege that grants the holder the sole right to kill certain wildlife within a designated area, known as a warren. This privilege was created to protect animals that were once considered royal game and the sole property of monarchs.
These examples illustrate how free warren privileges are used to protect certain wildlife by granting exclusive hunting rights to a specific individual or group. Without this privilege, anyone could hunt these animals, which could lead to their extinction or endangerment.