Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Indian gambling refers to gambling activities that are conducted by a federally recognized Indian tribe and regulated by federal law. Gambling involves risking something of value, usually money, for a chance to win a prize. It is regulated by state and federal laws, and is also known as gaming.
Definition: Indian gambling refers to gambling activities conducted by a federally recognized Indian tribe and regulated by federal law. Gambling involves risking something of value, usually money, for a chance to win a prize. It is regulated by state and federal laws.
Example: A Native American tribe operates a casino on their reservation. The casino offers various games such as slot machines, poker, and blackjack. The casino is regulated by the federal government and follows specific laws and regulations.
Explanation: This example illustrates Indian gambling because it involves a Native American tribe operating a casino on their reservation. The casino is regulated by federal law, and the games offered are considered gambling activities. The casino offers a chance to win a prize by risking money, which is the definition of gambling.