






Simple English definitions for legal terms

lex naturae

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A quick definition of lex naturae:

Lex naturae, also known as natural law, refers to a set of moral and legal principles that are believed to come from nature or divine justice, rather than from human-made laws. It is based on the idea that there are certain universal principles of right and wrong that apply to all people, regardless of their culture or beliefs. Natural law is sometimes used to critique existing laws and to suggest new ones based on ethical values. It is also associated with the idea of equality and the abolition of privilege.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Natural law refers to a set of moral and legal principles that are believed to come from nature or divine justice, rather than from human-made laws. It is based on the idea that there are certain universal truths that apply to all people, regardless of their culture or beliefs. For example, the idea that murder is wrong is considered a natural law principle because it is universally accepted as morally wrong. Natural law is often used to critique existing laws and to propose new ones that align with these universal principles. Example: The concept of natural law can be seen in the debate over same-sex marriage. Supporters of same-sex marriage argue that denying people the right to marry based on their sexual orientation goes against natural law principles of equality and fairness. They believe that these principles should be reflected in the laws of the land. Opponents of same-sex marriage, on the other hand, argue that natural law principles dictate that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. They believe that changing this definition goes against the natural order of things. This example illustrates how natural law can be used to support different sides of a legal and moral debate.

lex monetae | lex naturale




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@texaslawhopefully: Yeah, I disagree it was an insurrection and all that. I just don't think it should have happened in the first place. We should have decentralized digital identities so we can secure voting so there is no question about the validity of our elections but if I got this one party that says there should be no I.D.'s to vote and they have been saying this for the last like 15 years that I can recall, at a certain point people are just not going to care or the people that do will just come kill you eventually.
It's all expected, and it's like if its predictable, how can I blame some idiot for marching on the capital. I mean, I almost went to that event.
I don’t think bashing dkk’s view is the right answer here. He’s an example of how dem messaging failed. Dems wanted to create a platform that represented minority groups (poc, lgbtq) while also benefiting the majority through housing plans, tax cuts on the middle class, and tax increases for the rich. For some reason, I think the messaging came off that the dem platform was focused only on the underrepresented groups.
Song absolutely slays
my fellow nerds can we stop
@ImpartialLion: I'm not bashing his view with regard to that the Dem's platform looked focused on the minority. My point is that Trump has zero respect for institutions, political norms, and the Constitution.
All of which Trump has openly said
Looking forward, dems gotta improve the messaging. I think bernie did a good job of that by making the focus “the working class,” which goes beyond race or gender.
@texaslawhopefully: i dont disagree with those statements. I just think we have a lot to learn going into next election
I mean my hope is the GOP gets wiped out in the midterms and has to recentralize its message
I would say Texas is pretty nice here. I do think you got the right idea there though @impartialLion and maybe people can apply that to the broader context of why when someone just starts mischaracterizing me as a racist, homophobic, fatphobic, ableist for multiple days, I might just give up and start cussing at em lol. I mean, if someone did that to me in a bar I would get violent and I have been violent in the past with people. Being in bar fights is like an awesome experience and everyone should do it at least once.
I try not to be violent these days cus every time I do assault someone or shove glass in someones face I clould go to jail but usually people are cool about it.
hey guys this is a law school admissions website
why are we YAPPING
@texaslawhopefully: Yeah, I mean it could happen to the senate and house like it did to Obama but if he keeps his overall approval rating up, even if someone does not like individual policies it's compromise: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trumps-approval-ratings-break-records-democrats-back-him-2018900
@atwat @can run along kids and go play with your toys. the adults are talking now.
i think this cycle is so slow that we have nothing better to do than tap
*yap my b
@Dkk: Fair. My guess is (if the DNC is smart) dems change there messaging to be more appealing to moderates, they start winning and they hopefully that encourages republicans to move back to the center.
Yeah, exactly.
i for one STILL cannot believe donnie is prez. like gobsmacked. how did that happen? was it getting gunned down that sealed the deal?
Im starting to worry that I wont hear back from some schools before deposit deadline. Anyone have any advice? Is it possible they push back deposit dates?
i really dont wanna lose that much money
@llama: This was the best explanation that I read for it: https://samharris.substack.com/p/the-reckoning
@GapingVariousTurkey: same bro. im not worried cause yolo, but i think an honest talk with each applicable school will allow them to give leeway
But, yeah, I think many people were shocked
any UK law students?
@texaslawhopefully: when I have some time i will read, thanks fren. Regardless of whichever of the two [T or H] are in the WH, I truly believe expectations will be looked back on as over worried.
@thanatologist: Kentucky?
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