






Simple English definitions for legal terms

national defense

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A quick definition of national defense:

National defense refers to all the actions a country takes to protect itself from its enemies. This includes not only the military, but also the protection of the country's values and beliefs. National defense is the way a country keeps itself safe from harm.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: National defense refers to all the actions taken by a country to protect itself from its enemies. This includes the military establishment as well as the protection of a country's values and ideals.

Examples: A country may take various measures to defend itself, such as building a strong military, creating alliances with other countries, and developing advanced technology for defense purposes. In times of war or national emergency, a country may also implement emergency measures to protect its citizens and resources.

Explanation: National defense is essential for a country's security and sovereignty. The examples illustrate how a country can take different measures to protect itself from external threats. For instance, building a strong military can deter potential aggressors from attacking a country. Similarly, alliances with other countries can provide additional support and resources in times of need. Emergency measures, such as curfews or evacuations, can help protect citizens and resources during times of crisis.

national debt | National Disaster Medical System




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oh yeah you're catholic? name 5 things you did as a child that you still feel crippling guilt about
adult convert (Dubs)
i aint ever going to law school huh
why did you only apply to reaches
didnt want to go anywhere else
so get your lsat up
Yeah get it up.
nothin worse than a pitiful lsat
you did not apply only to reaches
u don no what i did, this is user reported, I could have a 178 and be accepted to yale but be a mad crazy troll
^100% a lie
if you had a 178 I wouldn't be telling you to get your lsat up
unlike reddit
That's amazing. 3.7/171 reaches. Lmfao. Yeah, kinda true. Seems like a 172/3.9 was like the minimum for a T14 this cycle. TBH, you should only apply to schools you want to go to or will further your career so I applaud you for doing that if they are reaches.
I think what's worse is just applying late this cycle.
I'm in a situation where improving my LSAT but my GPA just won't help. At 3.7 that's similar. Anything below 3.7 seems to be like that. Could improve your LSAT but not necessarily going to get into a T14. May just have to cope this cycle or next.
So ima haf 2 wait 2 monday 2 get resultz?
I mean i have a great career job so it was more or less shooting my shot
If anything yes another cycle, i pt higher than 171 so maybe thatll be a good boost
fair weather law student, honestly best way to be: not desperate to get in, no rush, and max leverage since u have little to gain, my hat is off to u
Thx thx, also i must say my gpa is a 3.7mid idk why yall get so picky on the difference i just dont wanna doz
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That .05 is a big difference lol.
@BreezyUnnaturalMonster: awesome! now I have malware, ty for that
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