Simple English definitions for legal terms
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A note of a fine is a legal document used in old English law to transfer ownership of land. It was created by a chirographer to summarize the legal proceedings before the actual documents of conveyance were written. It was also known as an abstract of a fine. Another type of note, called a note of allowance, was used when a party pointed out an error of law in a case and the master allowed the error to be asserted.
A note of a fine is a legal document used in English law to convey land. It is created by a chirographer and outlines the proceedings before the documents of conveyance are engrossed. It is also known as an abstract of a fine.
When John sold his property to Jane, a note of a fine was created to document the legal process of transferring ownership.
This example illustrates how a note of a fine is used in the legal process of conveying land.
A note of allowance is a document used in English law by a master to allow a party to assert an error of law in a case.
After reviewing the memorandum of an error of law in a case, the master issued a note of allowance to allow the error to be asserted.
This example shows how a note of allowance is used in the legal process to allow a party to assert an error of law in a case.