






Simple English definitions for legal terms

ordinary work product

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A quick definition of ordinary work product:

Ordinary work product: This is a term used to describe tangible or intangible material that was prepared by or for a lawyer, or prepared for litigation. It can be in written or oral form and includes facts but not the lawyer's mental impressions. Ordinary work product is generally exempt from discovery or other compelled disclosure, but it may be subject to a qualified privilege. This means that it is not discoverable unless the party seeking discovery can show a substantial need for the materials.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Ordinary work product refers to tangible or intangible material that was either prepared by or for a lawyer, or prepared for litigation, either planned or in progress. It includes facts but not an attorney's mental impressions. Ordinary work product is generally exempt from discovery or other compelled disclosure.

Examples: Examples of ordinary work product include documents, notes, and recordings that were created by a lawyer or their team during the course of their work on a case. For instance, if a lawyer is preparing for a trial, they may create notes summarizing the evidence they plan to present. These notes would be considered ordinary work product and would be exempt from discovery unless the party seeking discovery can show a substantial need for the materials.

Explanation: Ordinary work product is an important concept in the legal field because it protects the work of lawyers and their teams from being disclosed to the opposing party. This allows lawyers to work freely and without fear that their work will be used against their client. For example, if a lawyer is preparing for a trial, they may create notes summarizing the evidence they plan to present. These notes would be considered ordinary work product and would be exempt from discovery unless the party seeking discovery can show a substantial need for the materials. This protects the lawyer's work and allows them to prepare their case without fear of the opposing party gaining an unfair advantage.

ordinary standing rule | ordinatio forestae




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How much is everyone trying to save up for when they get to school?
@PuppyBot: tripppp, u were heavy on my mind last night after the bs in the chat
i plan to be the most frugal mf alive in school
paint chips for dinner
thats what i always eat tho
glove do you want to go dumpster diving with me
yea thats where all the good snacks are
like plastic bags
[] starfishies
@BulbasaurNoLikeCardio: i didn't think about this until it was too late lol i'll be lucky to save like 7k if that
@BulbasaurNoLikeCardio: saving enough to have mortgage +bills for the first 2 years of law school, figured i can work again after the 2nd year but at least ill give myself the flexibility to focus on school and not bills. A little to the side because life happens and sometimes u need to prepared for hitting rock bottom
I am trying to be pretty frugal now, looked up the cost to have PODs move my shit and I am like fuck that is a lot. I am trying to squirrel half my monthly income away so I can have a fat amount of cushion
@shaquilleoatmeal: how sweet
i need to make my matcha
we just need one parlay
I think my biggest stress will be two mortgages until my current place sells.
@BulbasaurNoLikeCardio: yea 2 is no joke, and diapers cost just as much as 1 mortgage lmao
diapers are nothing... fucking formula cost and you gotta stock pile because the random shortages
Wife gets out of the army like 2m after law school starts too and she is going to go to school full time so itll be a tight budget all of the first semester
do u guys know if there are any potential consequences of dropping a job after submitting an app? Like would I have to update my resumes that I’m no longer there
do you have a baby registry?
thats always a nice way of getting donations
I’m also curious of that @whenpigsfly my life has changed significantly sense apps dropped lol
@PuppyBot: we do/did, pretty much got everything we need for the baby like a closet full of diapers. Mainly just buyying formula and cute outfits for her
Congratulations @BulbasaueNoLikeCardio
i just know baby E is such a cutie
I have 1 more app to submit and I am rly hoping to drop this volunteer position that’s basically a full time job, but my personal statement is abt this position so idk if somehow it’ll come back
@whenpigsfly: I would say it does not matter and I would not update anything that is potentially negative like quiting a job. If fired I would think notification would be the polite thing to do. If it is unpaid volunteer then I would say it does not matter at all. @puppybot: she is the cutest bunny can verify
morning guys
Thank u so much!! <3 I am so excited to be free of this lol
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