


Simple English definitions for legal terms

plain-sight rule

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A quick definition of plain-sight rule:

The plain-sight rule is a law that allows police officers to seize and use as evidence an item that they see in plain view during a legal search or from a lawful position, without a warrant. This is only allowed if the officer has probable cause to believe that the item is evidence of a crime. It is also known as the clear-view doctrine. The open-fields doctrine is a different rule that applies to searches in open fields.

A more thorough explanation:

The plain-sight rule is a legal principle that allows police officers to seize and use as evidence an item that is in plain view during a lawful search or from a lawful position, without a warrant, if the officer has probable cause to believe that the item is evidence of a crime.

For example, if a police officer is conducting a search of a suspect's home with a warrant and sees drugs on the kitchen counter, the officer can seize the drugs and use them as evidence in court. Similarly, if an officer is on patrol and sees a gun on the front seat of a car during a traffic stop, the officer can seize the gun and use it as evidence if there is probable cause to believe that the gun was used in a crime.

The plain-sight rule is based on the idea that if an officer has a lawful reason to be in a certain place, they should be able to use their senses to detect evidence of a crime that is in plain view. However, the officer must have probable cause to believe that the item is evidence of a crime before they can seize it.

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like brotha
lmfao yeah
does anyone else still check their status checkers in case there's an A waiting for them in there that the school just forgot to email you about
I wouldnt go to a school i get off waitlist from bc bad financial aid
The only reasoning I’m considering UMN is bc I’d pay no rent and cost of living is change compared to NYC
Well best believe I'm accepting any offer from the WL's I'm on
@OptimisticOutlier: yes, several times a day
@OptimisticOutlier: during the main cycle i did this everyday
glad i'm not alone lol it was everyday during main cycle, now i'm at once a week ish lol
i bet no one even listened to the song i sent smh
just tryna put u guys on
clicking links in here seems risky
glove i love the cranberries
if u guys don't click my links you're missing out fr
client talking to my boss keeps winking at me helppppp
i'm kind of like crack cocaine for old bald men
fart loudly
anyone else get a phantom app update on lawhub
like what is going on ive gotten two of these message in the past like two or three weeks and every time i flip out and go to check the app status of everything is the exact same. is my lawhub on the frits or what has this happened to anyone else
like why does this happen
i feel like im being haunted here
i got one
Effluence. Emission. Orduration, micturition, transu- dation, emiction, feculence, catharsis — so many synonyms: why? what are we trying to say to ourselves in so many ways?
They probably changed something that has nothing to do with what you can see -- address formatting, additional document, etc. It's annoying, but try to not read too much into it. It's just office stuff.
anything fun happen in the past 2 hours
should i not be clicking links
is it cus they will take me to innapropriate websites or can they steal my identity or something
click my links bb
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