Simple English definitions for legal terms
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A quasi-guarantee treaty is a type of international agreement between two or more countries that establishes a unilateral or reciprocal guarantee. It is similar to a guarantee treaty, which is an agreement that directly or indirectly establishes a guarantee. However, in a quasi-guarantee treaty, the contracting parties only intend to underline their willingness to comply with the obligation they have entered into. Obligations of this kind do not fall within the concept of guarantee in the proper sense of the term.
For example, a quasi-guarantee treaty may be used to secure compliance with a long-term commercial relationship or to detail the conditions of particular branches of trade or other commercial transactions. It may also aim at the maintenance of internal quiet or neutrality amid the conflicts of neighboring powers.
Overall, a quasi-guarantee treaty is a type of international agreement that establishes a willingness to comply with obligations, but does not provide a direct or indirect guarantee.