


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of rendezvous:


Definition: A rendezvous is a place where people agree to meet. It can be a meeting place for soldiers or ships. It can also be the actual meeting itself.

A more thorough explanation:


A rendezvous is a place where people or things meet up. It can also refer to the actual meeting or assembly itself.

1. The soldiers had a rendezvous point in the forest where they would gather before heading out on their mission.

2. The two friends had a rendezvous at the coffee shop to catch up on old times.

In the first example, the rendezvous point is a designated location where the soldiers would gather before heading out on their mission. In the second example, the rendezvous is the actual meeting between the two friends at the coffee shop.

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In my opinion thats close enough @darthaifos33
thats KJD bro
okay thanks! I was just wondering because I am applying right after finishing school so won't have the opportunity to list like post grad work experience before my application is submitted
@darthaifos33: FWIW there's not nearly as big a gap in evaluation/outcomes for applicants 1 year out as people extrapolate from the "KJD" and "non-KJD" buckets.
Direct quote from an AdCom (UCLA I believe) when someone asked this at an info session: "At the point when you apply, you've been doing whatever you do in that year for what, 6 months?" IOW: If you have substantive plans for the gap year, it won't hurt, but 6 months of WE at the time you apply also won't show deep expertise in a field/make a huge difference for employability after school/etc., because 6 months is 6 months
What if an applicant is set up to work an internship from 2024 May to 2025 May (one full year of non stop work). Suppose that Applicant applies in October 2024, how would the adcoms look on the WE?
@SkibbidiRizz: you can show expertise in that field but is that field relevant to law school. If it is paralegal work I would say so but you can see by my account that being a paralegal for three years is worth Jack shit.
The only thing these boomers running admission give a fuck about is stats cus stats keep a high ranking with U.S. News and World Report and stats keep the boomer bucks flowing.
I have a 3.95 and a 164 KJD is anyone else in a similar boat? Im so nervous for this upcoming cycle I can barely sleep and it hasnt even started
@HangingAboriginalLeopard: well, what schools do you want?
schools like emory, unc, univ illinois urbana champagne type schools
top 40 ranked schools is the dream but ofc as highest i can go
Well, if you look at this cycle, high GPA has helped many people with 161/162 LSAT scores get into top 40 schools. You will at least get a top 40 but really Champagne ain't worth going to unless you live in Illinois and love illinois. You can secure UNC by getting a higher LSAT but if you want to 50/50 it you can with that LSAT stat. Sitting on the wait-list there is a greater than 50/50 chance you will get accepted to Emory or UNC but no one can predict that shit.
I would say you have a pretty good chance 1/4 of getting into either Emory or UNC but you got to make the decision of rest retesting or not. Also, if you are considering Champagne, consider what type of law you want to do cus they aren't ranked highly for any type of law. You could be fuckin yourself rn if you want to do a certain type of law and there is no market for it in Chicago or any city with 300k plus people.
thanks for your input. I just want to get into a school close to the city at least a bit. I would be very confident on increasing my lsat score if the test didnt change but without LG im a wreck
I feel you. LG was my best section and now I am butt breaking my ass trying to get LR and RC down.
yah Im interning rn in consulting full time too so I barely have time to do anything
What interests me more is if you need someone to tell you what to do with your life because there are many logical people out there that need someone to consult them on direction and if you are into consulting you are like a psychologist who needs to examine the patients to understand what they need to do in life.
Figure out if you would be happy continuing consulting or if you need to drop consulting because you like law more to continue studying the LSAT.
I do economics consulting and M&A work lol
I def wanna go to law school I only did this internship to get some work experience at a large corporate company
Well, that sounds like a good personal statement. I got into the world of consulting after grad school/MBA program and I realized I wanted to make a bigger impact.in society/change besides making X money for whoever. I realized I had a passion for justice/honor/integrity so I decided to pursue law school. I have since found that I am.a very logical/reasonable/professional/honorable person because of X Life experiences that have caused me hardship and personal growth. Please accept me to your law school which encompasses the values I just described, X, Y, Z @hangingaboriginalleopard
The question is, do you wanna risk it all on a 164 and 3.95. I risked it on a 158 and 3.41 so you choose. You are much smarter and more talented than I.
Impact on*
I doubt Im smarter or more talented than you are
I'm gonna shoot my shot and hope for the best this cycle
You got this man. Go fill it and don't look back. Have righteousness that carries you through the rest of your life.
Kill it*
thanks for the advice
You are welcome!
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