Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Retribution: Retribution is a punishment given to someone who has committed a crime as a way of paying back for what they did wrong. It can also mean getting what one deserves, either as a reward or a punishment.
Definition: Retribution is a form of punishment given to someone who has committed a crime as a way of getting revenge or repayment for their actions. It is also a term used to describe something that is justly deserved.
Example 1: A person who steals from a store may be sentenced to pay a fine or spend time in jail as retribution for their crime.
Example 2: A student who cheats on an exam may receive a failing grade as retribution for their dishonesty.
Both examples illustrate how retribution is a form of punishment given to someone who has done something wrong. It is meant to be a repayment or revenge for their actions, and is often used as a way to deter others from committing similar crimes.