


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of sinecure:

Term: sinecure

Definition: A sinecure is a job or position that pays a salary but has no real responsibilities or duties. It's like getting paid for doing nothing. The word comes from Latin and means "without duties."

Example: The king's cousin was given a sinecure as a reward for his loyalty, which meant he received a salary but didn't have to do any work.

Related word: sinecural (adjective) - describes something related to a sinecure.

A more thorough explanation:

A sinecure is a job or position that pays a salary but has no real responsibilities or duties.

  • John was given a sinecure at the company, where he was paid a lot of money but didn't have to do any work.
  • The position of the king's jester was a sinecure, as he was only required to entertain the king and his guests.

These examples show how a sinecure is a job or position that doesn't require any real work or responsibilities, but still pays a salary.

sine cura et cultura | sine decreto


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that sucks :(
yeah were just ending the 4th week
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sorry that sucks
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It’s ok, we ball
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