


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Speculative damages

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A quick definition of Speculative damages:

Speculative damages: When someone sues another person or company, they may ask for money to cover any losses they suffered because of the other person's actions. Sometimes, the person suing asks for money that they might lose in the future, but they're not sure if they will actually lose it. This is called speculative damages. For example, if someone planned a big event and hired a famous singer to perform, but the singer canceled at the last minute, the event planner might sue the singer for the money they lost because of the cancellation. But if the event planner also asked for money they might have made from ticket sales if the event had gone ahead, that would be speculative damages. Courts usually don't give people money for speculative damages because they're not sure if the person would have actually lost that money.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Speculative damages refer to financial losses or expenses that a plaintiff claims, but are contingent upon a future occurrence, purely conjectural, or highly improbable. These damages are not generally awarded by courts.

For example, in the case of Chicago Coliseum Club v. Dempsey, the plaintiff, Chicago Coliseum Club, sued Jack Dempsey for breach of contract. The Club had contracted Dempsey to fight a boxing match six months later, but Dempsey informed the Club that he would not fight the match. The Club sought lost profits from possible ticket sales from the match, but the Court denied the claim because there was no way to ascertain what the attendance may have been had the fight occurred.

Another example of speculative damages could be a plaintiff claiming future lost wages due to an injury that may or may not prevent them from working in the future. Since it is uncertain whether the injury will actually prevent the plaintiff from working, the damages claimed are considered speculative.

The examples illustrate that speculative damages are based on uncertain or hypothetical events that may or may not occur in the future. Since courts cannot predict the future, they generally do not award these damages.

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happy birhday!
Is the LSAC Admissions Calculator actually close to reality? You'd think it would be better than 7sage or others because they have a ton of data, but it seems odd. 17% for UMich with a 3.88 and 174, the GPA being above median and LSAT being above 75th percentile.
You’re right. It’s way off
lsat above 75th for michigan is bad though
they waitlist almost everyone over 75th
Sarcasm or yield protection?
michigan's blog does admit to a little bit of yield protection but not like a straight-forward "we will waitlist everyone above a certain LSAT" like when you search up American's charts https://michigan.law.umich.edu/admissions-a2z-blog/yield-protection-myth-or-reality-or-little-both
sorry that didnt make sense the blog is basically like "yeah we kinda do take into account whether or not we think you would enroll ~sometimes~" which is different from the common narrative on how schools protect their yield, which is why I name dropped American since they waitlisted nearly everyone with a 169 or about
*above man i cannot type today
what should i put in a third LOCI
“i painted my nails your school colors”
i do have NU and GULC and technically Michigan colors if we are still on the theory that their adcomms are gonna call me any day now and be like "oh that WL->R was a mistake do you still wanna go here?"
Could this be the worst cycle of all time?
jeez that's tough
Anyone else still on the Fordham WL?
https://www.lsd.law/users/creep/daysi1 how cracked is this guy
oh it was my lifetime ago nvm
did u guys watch da debate?
school recommendations for 156 LSAT and a UG 3.5?
University of College
@YoungNarrowBat: get a better lsat so you can go to a school in line with your higher gpa
what does it mean for status checker to say "closed"?
ooooh spoopy
what's the difference between sent and complete applications? I want to send my applications early but I might have to retake the lsat in November. Is it possible to submit and then have it be completed a bit later once scores come out?
Probably someone who would get embarrassed if I talked to them irl. @hw03
Nah but if true, they did a real good job getting admitted to T14's.
I only skimmed that blog post but admitting you use derogatory language toward lower ranked schools as a law school dean is a choice
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