


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of suppress:


Definition: When you suppress something, you stop it from being seen, heard, known, or talked about. It's like hiding something so that nobody knows about it. For example, if you have a secret and you don't want anyone to find out, you might try to suppress it by not telling anyone.

Related words: suppression (noun), suppressible/suppressive (adjective)

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: To put a stop to, put down, or prohibit; to prevent something from being seen, heard, known, or discussed.

Example: The government tried to suppress the news of the protest.

Explanation: In this example, the government is trying to prevent people from knowing about the protest. They are suppressing the news by not allowing it to be reported or discussed.

Example: The teacher had to suppress her laughter when the student made a funny mistake.

Explanation: In this example, the teacher is trying to stop herself from laughing. She is suppressing her laughter by not letting it show.

Example: The medication can suppress the symptoms of the disease.

Explanation: In this example, the medication is preventing the symptoms of the disease from being seen or felt. It is suppressing the symptoms.

supposition | suppression hearing


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Tell us what's important to you
probably just internal clerical stuff
i hope im not catching the r after 3 locis
i've been on the wl since december 😭
I’ve been on the WL for SMU since April and I thought I had it bad… sheesh
i want to get the verso book club subscription so bad...
i need a sugar daddy
ive been on WL since early January at this point I just want the R and closure to move on
doubt after so long ill get an A
@menherachan: I write a LOCI every month lmao they have enough writing material from me for a novella
these WLs make me feel sick
just one A
that's all i want
why was i so delusional when i was picking schools to apply to
are waitlist acceptances a thing this late?
really just 1-off things as people have other opportunities/ emergencies pop up and decide to defer or withdraw
theoretically there could be an orientation no-show and they can give someone on WL an A and say hi show up tomorrow if you want it
and you'll be the one getting that A purgatory!!
thanks! hard to stay hopeful 7 months in, also receiving a WL update every month starting with we have spaces open and will be looking to WL to fill those seats to yeah there's like 1 space available
will you r&r if the WLs don't pan out or are you in somewhere else?
still talking about it with my therapist lol
bruh after seeing how insane i started going this cycle I think i might need to find a therapist to get me through the next one lmao
yeah highly recommend it, prioritize your mental well being.
i'm hoping i ED and get accepted so I can be done going insane in December instead of dragging it out to next summer
id prob offer one of my extremities or limbs to be accepted to a t14 by december
does that mean im unhealhy
no i'm the same
health is wealth
i also think some of you need to work on having realistic expectations
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