


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Twentieth Amendment

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A quick definition of Twentieth Amendment:

The Twentieth Amendment is a change to the United States Constitution that was made in 1933. It moved the date of when the President and Vice President are inaugurated from March 4th to January 20th, and the date for when Congress meets from March 4th to January 3rd. This amendment was created to prevent a short session of Congress where members who were not reelected could still participate. It is also known as the "lame-duck amendment."

A more thorough explanation:

The Twentieth Amendment is a change to the United States Constitution that was ratified in 1933. It made important changes to the dates of presidential and congressional inaugurations.

Before the Twentieth Amendment, presidential inaugurations were held on March 4 and congressional sessions began on the same day. This meant that there was a long period of time between the election of a new president and their inauguration, which was called the "lame-duck" period. During this time, outgoing officials still held their positions and could make important decisions, even though they were no longer accountable to the voters.

The Twentieth Amendment changed the date of presidential inaugurations to January 20 and congressional sessions to January 3. This shortened the lame-duck period and ensured that newly elected officials could take office more quickly.

For example, if the Twentieth Amendment had not been passed, a president who was elected in November would have to wait until March to take office. During that time, the outgoing president would still be making decisions and setting policies, even though they were no longer accountable to the voters. This could create confusion and uncertainty about the direction of the country.

The Twentieth Amendment also eliminated the short session of Congress that occurred between the November elections and the March inauguration. This session was often chaotic, as outgoing members of Congress tried to push through last-minute legislation and newly elected members tried to make their voices heard. By moving the start of the congressional session to January 3, the Twentieth Amendment ensured that all members of Congress would be elected and ready to work together from the beginning of the session.

Twelve Tables | Twenty-fifth Amendment


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that sucks :(
yeah were just ending the 4th week
lots of work, but manageable
It does. Really bad, I think my boss new I was crying in my car lolllll
sorry that sucks
That’s good! You got a good routine going?
It’s ok, we ball
we ball
yeah, try to get most of the readings done on the weekends so the weeks arent as bad
hurting for free time though
wasp i just looked at your cycle and did you like pee in the shoes of admissions officers?
the retroactive withdrawls really hurt me
made them question my ability to stick through law school
withdrawals in undergrad?
yeah 2 years of classes
ah you filed retro W's from classes in UG?
ah okay, sorry homie that's rough
it's fine i got into one of my top choices so im really happy
<3 happy for you
getting into cornell is hugeee
^^^^^ would love to get into Cornell lmao
or anywhere!
you got it, believeeee
@letsseehowitgoesnow: you okay?
@ KnowledgeableRitzyWasp did u withdraw frm all your classes for two years or just a few? i have 2 W's
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