Simple English definitions for legal terms
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A usufructuary is someone who has the right to use and enjoy someone else's property or assets. This person is often referred to as a life-renter and is entitled to the benefits of the property, but not the ownership. In simpler terms, it means that someone can use something that belongs to someone else, but they don't own it.
Definition: Usufructuary (yoo-zuh-fruhk-choo-er-ee) is an adjective used in Roman and civil law to describe something related to a usufruct or of the nature of a usufruct. A usufructuary is a person who has the right to the benefits of another's property, also known as a life-renter.
These examples illustrate how a usufructuary is someone who has the right to use and enjoy someone else's property, whether it be for their lifetime or for a specific purpose. It is a legal term used in specific contexts, such as Roman and civil law, to describe a particular type of relationship between two parties.