



Law Schools in Puerto Rico

Are you are looking to go to one of the law schools in Puerto Rico? There are 3 ABA accredited law schools in Puerto Rico.

The highest ranked law school in Puerto Rico is Inter American University School of Law, which was ranked 178 by US News in 2024. The school has an LSAT median of 142 and a GPA median of 3.36.

The best law school in Puerto Rico depends on what you're looking for. Every law school is different, just like every person is different.

Other schools in Puerto Rico include Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law, University of Puerto Rico Law School. If you want to go to law school in Puerto Rico, you should consider these schools.

ABA accredited law schools in Puerto Rico

  1. Facultad de Derecho de la UIPR
  2. Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law
  3. University of Puerto Rico Law School

Detailed information on Puerto Rico law schools

Facultad de Derecho de la UIPR

San Juan, Puerto Rico
Rank 178 (US News 2024)
  • Ranked: 178 by US News in 2024.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 140/142/147
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.07/3.36/3.56
  • Acceptance rate: 58.4
  • Bar passage rate: 49.5

Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law

Ponce, Puerto Rico
Rank 178 (US News 2024)
  • Ranked: 178 by US News in 2024.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 135/138/141
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 2.92/3.32/3.63
  • Acceptance rate: 39.9
  • Bar passage rate: 35.3

University of Puerto Rico Law School

San Juan, Puerto Rico
Rank 178 (US News 2024)
  • Ranked: 178 by US News in 2024.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 144/148/151
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.57/3.76/3.89
  • Acceptance rate: 42.3
  • Bar passage rate: 68.3




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@Blumenkraft: 2Lr 1 RC its pretty much the same
@eyeofthetiger: No, no school is worth $450k just for law school, to me. But you do you, if that choice is yours to make, do what is best for you!
@Blumenkraft: According to the test creators (LSAC) nothing. However, people are taking the test, 3-5 times and therefore practicing and hence scoring much higher than in the past.
Hmmmmmmm. Okay
@eyeofthetiger: what type of law do you want to practice cus you only really practice corporate out of columbia.
Is there an analysis on the marginal returns of 170+ scores?
Regarding acceptance/scholarship rates^
I’d probably do corporate right out of law school tbh… but I’m assuming the diff between CLS and Mich when it comes to big law access is negligible anyways?
check law school transparency but I work for a CLS attorney right now and they would say columbia over michigan.
yeah cls national law firm 75% michigan 58%. Could make a difference and then a difference in quality of job. Hard to tell. If your dream is CLS I would probably take the debt and go there. Just gotta be certain you don't mind paying money back.
Same attorney though gave up a full ride at both NYU and Chicago.
said they regretted it.
but they also wanted to do PI.
Ahhh wait sorry but what would you say about like CLS vs a school like UVA/Penn? Is the gap closer there or is CLS still significantly better?
@KnowledgeableProductiveMongrel: a full ride at Chicago oml
UVA and Penn are better than CLS
oh?!! I stand corrected loll
Penn is the worst out of the three. CLS and UVA are much better. Idk would have to kook at stats again.
I pick off regions, clerkships, and corporate law.
Is it a bad idea to apply in January/Februaryish instead of a couple months earlier? If so, why
Depends on the stats but generally yeah. A lot of spots are taken.
Damnnnnnn. Good to know
Wait. Is it actually a game of seats left at that point
It all depends on the school and stats but the seats thing is true.
Not my proudest moment.
@KnowledgeableProductiveMongrel: r u all the other knowledgeable peeps that have been on lsd.law through time
Nah not at all lol
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