

American University Law School

Rank 98 (USNWR 2024)

Applicants for the class of 2007 , matriculating 2004

226 applicants for the 2003 - 2004  cycle
9 / 50  , 55 rejected, 25 waitlisted, 59 withdrawn
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
Previous year ABA 509 data
Percentiles 25 50 75
LSAT 156 162 163
GPA 3.43 3.63 3.75
Miscellaneous Count Percentile
# Applications 5368 91
# Admissions offers 1916 -
Class size 408 97
% Accepted 35.7% 64
% Yield 21.1% 13
LSData Percentiles 25 50 75
LSAT 157 160 164
GPA 3.12 3.41 3.64
LSData Averages Rejected All Accepted
LSAT 156 160 164
GPA 3.19 3.35 3.54
Softs - - -
Scholarship - -
Days from sent to decision 57
Days from UR to decision -
Interview invite rate -
Interview conversion rate -
URM LSAT differential -6.54
URM GPA differential -0.31
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School applicants

Name Result Last seen GPA LSAT GRE URM WE Scholarship Sent Received Complete UR UR2 Interview invite Decision
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Name Result Last seen GPA LSAT GRE URM WE $$$$ Sent Received Complete UR UR2 II Decision
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School finances

American University Law School
Elle Woods went here, 'nuff said.
69th percentile
67th percentile
Bar pass rate
41st percentile
Salary, 25th %
54th percentile
66th percentile
PI Salary
67th percentile
Employment rate
28th percentile
Grads with debt
65th percentile
Average debt
94th percentile


All the fields below are editable

Total CoA
Default for American University is $50,795
Scholarships & grants
Post-grad income
Default for American University is $67,000
Post-grad living expenses
Est. loan interest rate

[IMPORTANT] These estimates are for high level planning only. Things like summer jobs, when you spend your savings, and other financial decisions will impact exactly how much you pay.

Calculations assume a 10-year fixed rate loan.

American University Breakdown


Total cost of attendance$315,000
$105,000 x 3
Total scholarships$75,000
$25,000 x 3
Debt after three years$230,000
Assuming 10-year fixed rate loan
Total repaid@5.0%$11,500
Interest paid$11,500

After graduation

Annual breakdown
Post-grad income$180,000
Income taxes$60,000
Living expenses$60,000
Loan repayment$2,000
Annual discretionary income$60,000

Monthly breakdown
Post-grad income$180,000
Income taxes$60,000
Living expenses$60,000
Loan repayment$2,000
Monthly discretionary income$60,000

Hover over purple text for more info.

Data is sourced from ABA 509 disclosures and USNWR.

American University

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bruh i know i'm not owed anything but zero scholarship with stats above both 75ths is kinda crazy. thanks ig american
@AnnoyingDapperLemur: I feel the exact same way. I feel like that's a way to lose some highly qualified candidates. I've seen a lot of people with stats lower than mine receive merit scholarships and I've heard nothing.
@beneficial-cause: yeah, don't get me wrong I'm happy for those who did get scholarships, but I'm honestly super confused why I didn't. I love American, but I can't justify upwards of $300k in loans :/ Sorry you're in the same boat friend
It can't be that hard to offer people scholarships right? It's deposit day and I can't even consider them because of that. Which sucks because I am interested in IP and litigation.
I am surprised too! I am above 75% and didn't get any scholarship. Will they have more funding after today if someone didn't pay the deposit?
It seems like only PIPS and the $120,000 scholarships have been given out yet. Last year there seemed to be way more.
what is the $120,000 scholarship?
Well, I just withdrew my waitlist offer to attend Howard, good luck to everyone else who is holding out.
For those WL then accepted, did you receive any scholarships?
for those wl then accepted, did you do anything to get off? LOCI?
Did anyone else get the email last week about holding our application for PIPS?
I got that PIPS email too
No deposit deadline, but no scholarship info yet? Idk if they just aren’t offering most ppl scholarships or if this is actually a scam lmao
Deadline extension*
Yeah, it seems really off... I visited campus last week and the vibes were off there too
This school is absolutely ridiculous. Congrats to anyone attending and who has had a good experience, but I have had nothing but bad experiences with them. Every time I call, they are rude and unhelpful. I was accepted back in December, applied to PIPS in January, and have heard absolutely nothing about PIPS or merit scholarships -- despite being above the 75th percentile for both GPA and LSAT. It seems like a shame that the people who are interested in low-paying public interest careers are the ones who are also getting screwed over in terms of money.
One thing I noted in my visit was that not a single person told us even one time that we should go to school there.
Has anyone on the waitlist heard from the school yet (other than the few that got called already)?
Someone got accepted off waitlist today
@lawfulapplicant: i was told there are no scholarship funds available
american is predatory asf
take your money elsewhere
is american broke af?
seems they waitlist almost everyone?
anyone get the status checker update email
like they updated it? yeah
Hey! Has anyone applied to AUWCL for the Transfer Student/Foreign Lawyer application pool? Still waiting on a decision
Anyone on the WL hear anything?
Can you add schools to a target list or something, I'm very new to this.
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