

Search results

Found 3,387 matching applications.
Rank School Name (click to see applicants) # Applicants Accepted % Waitlisted % Rejected %
91 University of Pittsburgh 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
150 CUNY 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
78 University of Cincinnati 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
82 University of Miami 3 2 / 3 66.67 1 / 3 33.33 0 / 3 0.0
89 Case Western Reserve University 3 3 / 3 100.0 0 / 3 0.0 0 / 3 0.0
28 University of Utah 3 3 / 3 100.0 0 / 3 0.0 0 / 3 0.0
36 William & Mary Law School 5 3 / 5 60.0 2 / 5 40.0 0 / 5 0.0
28 George Mason University 3 3 / 3 100.0 0 / 3 0.0 0 / 3 0.0
28 University of Florida (Levin) 18 17 / 18 94.44 0 / 18 0.0 1 / 18 5.56
78 University of Nevada—Las Vegas 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
158 Santa Clara University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
36 Arizona State University 31 27 / 31 87.1 4 / 31 12.9 0 / 31 0.0
33 Fordham University 49 40 / 49 81.63 9 / 49 18.37 0 / 49 0.0
20 University of Southern California 57 30 / 57 52.63 23 / 57 40.35 4 / 57 7.02
68 Florida International University 1 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0 1 / 1 100.0
178 Nova Southeastern University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
48 University of Colorado—Boulder 9 9 / 9 100.0 0 / 9 0.0 0 / 9 0.0
13 University of California—Los Angeles 125 39 / 125 31.2 86 / 125 68.8 0 / 125 0.0
25 Wake Forest University 10 9 / 10 90.0 1 / 10 10.0 0 / 10 0.0
26 Ohio State University 10 9 / 10 90.0 1 / 10 10.0 0 / 10 0.0
78 Loyola University—Chicago 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
68 University of San Diego 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
55 University of Maryland 3 2 / 3 66.67 1 / 3 33.33 0 / 3 0.0
91 Louisiana State University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
33 University of Alabama 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
68 Pennsylvania State - Penn State Law 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
98 Stetson University 2 1 / 2 50.0 1 / 2 50.0 0 / 2 0.0
66 University of South Carolina 3 2 / 3 66.67 1 / 3 33.33 0 / 3 0.0
20 University of Georgia 24 19 / 24 79.17 4 / 24 16.67 1 / 24 4.17
55 University of Connecticut 1 0 / 1 0.0 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0
46 University of Kansas 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
68 Northeastern University 10 10 / 10 100.0 0 / 10 0.0 0 / 10 0.0
4 University of Pennsylvania 220 50 / 220 22.73 168 / 220 76.36 2 / 220 0.91
9 Northwestern University 157 69 / 157 43.95 85 / 157 54.14 3 / 157 1.91
16 Washington University in St. Louis 80 70 / 80 87.5 10 / 80 12.5 0 / 80 0.0
48 Florida State University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
61 Loyola Marymount University—Los Angeles 4 3 / 4 75.0 1 / 4 25.0 0 / 4 0.0
82 University of Oregon 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
8 Columbia University 174 83 / 174 47.7 77 / 174 44.25 14 / 174 8.05
117 West Virginia University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
42 Indiana University - Bloomington 3 3 / 3 100.0 0 / 3 0.0 0 / 3 0.0
36 University of Illinois—Urbana Champaign 4 4 / 4 100.0 0 / 4 0.0 0 / 4 0.0
19 Vanderbilt University 80 56 / 80 70.0 24 / 80 30.0 0 / 80 0.0
130 Hofstra University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
46 Baylor University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
103 Cleveland State University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
108 University of Buffalo—SUNY 3 3 / 3 100.0 0 / 3 0.0 0 / 3 0.0
9 University of Michigan 184 48 / 184 26.09 104 / 184 56.52 32 / 184 17.39
134 DePaul University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
82 University of California (Hastings) 4 2 / 4 50.0 2 / 4 50.0 0 / 4 0.0
42 University of California—Irvine 9 8 / 9 88.89 1 / 9 11.11 0 / 9 0.0
61 Yeshiva University (Cardozo) 8 7 / 8 87.5 1 / 8 12.5 0 / 8 0.0
66 University of Richmond 7 7 / 7 100.0 0 / 7 0.0 0 / 7 0.0
117 Albany Law School Of Union University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
145 University of Idaho 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
130 Suffolk University 5 5 / 5 100.0 0 / 5 0.0 0 / 5 0.0
4 Harvard University 226 41 / 226 18.14 33 / 226 14.6 152 / 226 67.26
24 Boston University 73 60 / 73 82.19 11 / 73 15.07 2 / 73 2.74
4 University of Virginia 164 64 / 164 39.02 85 / 164 51.83 15 / 164 9.15
55 University of California—Davis 8 8 / 8 100.0 0 / 8 0.0 0 / 8 0.0
1 Stanford University 111 12 / 111 10.81 23 / 111 20.72 76 / 111 68.47
9 New York University 166 106 / 166 63.86 49 / 166 29.52 11 / 166 6.63
54 Temple University 3 3 / 3 100.0 0 / 3 0.0 0 / 3 0.0
52 Pepperdine University 7 7 / 7 100.0 0 / 7 0.0 0 / 7 0.0
26 Texas A&M University 12 11 / 12 91.67 0 / 12 0.0 1 / 12 8.33
168 Vermont Law School 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
36 University of Iowa 4 4 / 4 100.0 0 / 4 0.0 0 / 4 0.0
75 Pennsylvania State - Dickinson Law 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
165 University of San Francisco 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
16 University of Minnesota 26 25 / 26 96.15 1 / 26 3.85 0 / 26 0.0
3 University of Chicago 202 47 / 202 23.27 123 / 202 60.89 32 / 202 15.84
82 Lewis And Clark College 4 4 / 4 100.0 0 / 4 0.0 0 / 4 0.0
114 Brooklyn Law School 5 5 / 5 100.0 0 / 5 0.0 0 / 5 0.0
12 University of California—Berkeley 156 75 / 156 48.08 33 / 156 21.15 48 / 156 30.77
120 Syracuse University 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
48 Villanova University 6 4 / 6 66.67 1 / 6 16.67 1 / 6 16.67
78 Tulane University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
14 Cornell University 117 87 / 117 74.36 22 / 117 18.8 8 / 117 6.84
28 Brigham Young University 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
20 University of Notre Dame 19 19 / 19 100.0 0 / 19 0.0 0 / 19 0.0
108 Michigan State University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
42 Emory University 14 13 / 14 92.86 0 / 14 0.0 1 / 14 7.14
94 Duquesne University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
61 Seton Hall University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
36 University of Wisconsin 5 4 / 5 80.0 1 / 5 20.0 0 / 5 0.0
33 Washington and Lee University 5 5 / 5 100.0 0 / 5 0.0 0 / 5 0.0
127 New York Law School 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
28 Boston College 40 12 / 40 30.0 26 / 40 65.0 2 / 40 5.0
20 University of North Carolina 15 6 / 15 40.0 8 / 15 53.33 1 / 15 6.67
14 Georgetown University 194 122 / 194 62.89 71 / 194 36.6 1 / 194 0.52
55 University of Arizona 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
161 University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
52 University of Tennessee 2 1 / 2 50.0 0 / 2 0.0 1 / 2 50.0
1 Yale University 146 6 / 146 4.11 15 / 146 10.27 125 / 146 85.62
16 University of Texas at Austin 70 63 / 70 90.0 7 / 70 10.0 0 / 70 0.0
4 Duke University 174 58 / 174 33.33 113 / 174 64.94 3 / 174 1.72
48 University of Washington 11 11 / 11 100.0 0 / 11 0.0 0 / 11 0.0
98 American University 3 0 / 3 0.0 3 / 3 100.0 0 / 3 0.0
120 University of Mississippi 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
41 George Washington University 41 34 / 41 82.93 7 / 41 17.07 0 / 41 0.0
68 St. John's University 3 1 / 3 33.33 2 / 3 66.67 0 / 3 0.0
A rank of 999 means that the school is not ranked by U.S. News & World Report.
* The data in this table is user-reported and may be inaccurate.


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I got autocorrected
gorilla arms is crazy ngl
The application process rewards elaborate image cultivation, sick and twisted really. Resist the impulse if you can.
you are marketing yourself as a commodity
it is what it is
I mean yeah but why are we acting like this is unique to law school? Image cultivation is rewarded in every commercialized aspect of life.
You could even make a case that figuring out how to cultivate your image for law school is helping you develop skills that will benefit you throughout your career
I did not state that this phenomenon is unique to law school application
in fact it is ubiquitous
yes, it is what it is
is nostra the new saint camp
personal brand is nothing new and you should embrace it. nothing narcissistic about marketing yourself
@KnowledgeableRitzyWasp: literally what I thought re: saintcamp
hahahaha i’m sure he would be glad to pass the torch
KnowledgeableRitzyWasp did you apply to schools pretty late in the cycle?
yeah in early december
oh okay
Is it a bad idea if I start to apply in January?
Just talked to someone interested in going to law school and suggested they check out lsd.law happy to see this place is still booming
my controversial opinion for the night is that I think it’s kind of silly when someone says they’ve read a book when what they actually mean is they listened to the audiobook as background noise while running errands
I’ve never listened to a complete audiobook and don’t know how people do it. Just read lol
@Hockey: yes
I have heard that applying earlier is an advantage somewhat
But not sure how much of one
Does UMichigan send info packets to everyone? I didn’t request one, but I was sent one.
@Hockey: yes
Go look at my other account, @dkkm10
The youngins say Rizz and shit cus they have trouble expressing their emotions through language and a lack of vocabulary to begin with. They use wastebasket/catch all terms to describe life cus they simply can not.
I listen to audiobooks and autistically stare into space. It's part of my personal brand of being a guy with aspergers and a 9 inch penis who hasn't fucked in 4 years. I agree, personal brand is important.
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