



Applicant search - Northeastern University

Found 53 matching applications.
Result User LSAT GPA Scholarship
Accepted grilledcheese12 167 3.97 $180,000
Accepted ZebraB 165 3.85 $181,200
Accepted thisismetrying2024 165 3.99 $75,000
Accepted lawtoowell 164 3.8 $120,000
Accepted kwlawapps 166 3.98 $181,200
Accepted delephantboi 167 3.84 $180,000
Accepted 27ksa 166 3.88 $181,224
Accepted TediousSparrow 165 4.0 $180,000
Accepted peppernyc5 166 3.83 $180,000
Accepted cudakidri 165 4.0 $181,224
WL, Accepted MiniatureMachoYeti 165 3.94 $90,000
Accepted OverjoyedFullCobra 167 3.95 $181,200
Accepted NorthernAttitude35 164 3.84 $181,200
Accepted abeeni 164 4.0 $139,200
Accepted InternalCeaselessPenguin 167 3.81
Accepted TenForwardRegular 167 4.0 $180,000
Waitlisted AnnoyingDapperLemur 164 3.91
Accepted MotionlessPiquantHyena 165 3.89 $118,200
Accepted DustyMagnificentGolem 164 3.81
Accepted LegalEfficacious 165 3.91 $181,000
Accepted LegalEagle1234 166 3.83 $200,000
Accepted Character and fitness issuesWaitingPluckyHatchling 165 3.89 $181,200
Waitlisted midnightcap 167 3.88
Accepted AgreeableMakeshiftRhino 164 3.9 $103,500
Accepted dodgerfan2024 165 4.0 $90,000
Accepted ProfessorFly101 165 3.96 $118,200
Accepted BerserkBrainyHedgehog 166 3.9
Accepted MNATION 164 3.98 $135,000
WL, Withdrawn ChunkyBigboy 165 3.9
Accepted traderjoesenthusiast 164 3.89 $103,500
Waitlisted frannypack 167 3.91
Accepted RainyUntidyOrangutan 167 3.97 $180,000
Accepted JustAGal1738 166 3.97 $181,224
Accepted madden2002 166 3.92 $181,224
Accepted MessyNullSlug 164 3.83 $103,500
Accepted TenuousVolatileHuman 166 3.95 $181,224
Accepted Jemma 164 3.8
Accepted BatteryAcid 166 3.93 $181,000
Accepted EDUL 167 3.9 $114,000
Accepted NuttyCynicalCamel 167 3.98
Accepted military serviceJaggedZealousOriole 166 3.85 $114,000
Accepted GeneralComfortableShrimp 165 3.98 $180,000
WL, Withdrawn dreamer01 167 3.96
Waitlisted allieknudsen 164 3.87
Accepted Nazy1523 166 3.81 $180,000
Accepted MarinaDelReysFavSon 164 3.93 $45,000
Accepted GreenGoddess222 165 3.93 $120,000
Accepted NullRaspyLemming 165 3.96
Accepted DifferentPointlessCougar 165 3.8 $40,000
Rejected AmbroseWinters 166 3.84
Accepted FingersCrossedAllTheTime 166 3.82 $150,000
Accepted SmoothScaredDuck 164 3.91 $138,000
Waitlisted JustKiddy 166 3.95
* The data in this table is user-reported and may be inaccurate.




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you’re not really at a stage of your life where you need to be thinking about this yet
yeah i lowkey bombed both underclassmen years, im JUST NOW locking in
they mean college!!
Yes I mean college haha
oopsies, idk everyone keeps asking what im gonna major in and its just so different
But that can hopefully be a good learning experience for you to know what not to do when you get to college
yes! im gonna bust my booty in college
aw it’s a stressful time I know. you don’t have to pick a major before you go to college either! you can go in undecided and explore a couple things
What are your interests specifically? Maybe we can help you find a major that works to them
im thinking of taking a gap year though to work and not ask anybody for money, then community college for 2 years, then transfer, is that a good choice?
Community college, I believe, is always a great choice
im really into english/literature, i'm one of the top 5 writers in my class
I went to state school and had financial need so I have basically zero undergrad debt. is that an option for you?
You save money and you can get your basics out of the way and hopefully get a transfer scholarship to a 4 year school
i think so, my sister said fafsa is a thing, its basically free money right?
Depends on what they determine you can "contribute"
ah i see, i gtg, thanks you guys :)
FAFSA is a form you filling out detailing your parents’ income and if you’re below a need threshold they give you financial aid
No problem. Good luck @SpaceCommander
Tbh I hated my time at community college, but I graduated undergrad with no debt at all
My local CC barely had any degrees that interested me so I wound up not going that route
My grades probably would have been better if I did though lol
I just got my associates
or u can save by grinding AP classes + summer and winter college classes and graduate early
Absolutely. I've been doing 18 credit semesters with my retakes and it hasn't been significantly harder. I would have done this from the start and graduated a semester early if I could start over
Like retaking classes?
Yup I've been doing 5 classes + 1 retake. 3 retakes total, final one in the spring
My CAS GPA will still be low but my school GPA will be much better when employers ask for transcripts/GPA
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