Kim K is not a baddie but for a different reason that precedes the wealth. She curates her image too strenuously through body modifications, stylists, etc.
@bunnynoise: I disagree. The entire appeal of a baddie is that they are consciously artificial, countoured and airbrushed to within an inch of their lives. The living embodiment of the Instagram influencer. Someone who is naturally beautiful without artifice could never be a baddie, only a "goodie"
I actually think real baddies are the ones who have a special sort of natural energy. No artifice about it. Like how they talk about an airport girl, a girl you see in passing and think about for a long time
I think jimmy carter picked a horrible time to die, operation gentleman’s escort or whatever kicked in when he died and it caused an entire base to be recalled from their holiday vacation and given a 14hr notice to be back at base in uniform even if out of state/country on approved vacation. Also feel the dude was being kept alive and paraded around a lot the past year or so.