

Class of 2025
First choice school:
User stats
1-4 years
Apps submitted
Scholarships Received
SagaofSeven's wisdom for future generations

School apps

Result App type FW Resident Schol... Sent Sent raw Received Received raw Complete Complete raw UR UR raw UR2 UR2 raw II II raw Decision Decision raw
8 Columbia University Waitlisted Unknown Mar 10 2022-03-10
14 Cornell University Waitlisted Unknown
4 Duke University Rejected Unknown
14 Georgetown University Waitlisted Unknown
4 Harvard University Rejected Unknown Nov 24 2021-11-24 Jan 13 2021-01-13
9 New York University Waitlisted Unknown
9 Northwestern University Hold, Accepted ED➜RDearly decision deferred to regular decision
12 UCBerkeley Waitlisted Unknown
13 UCLos Angeles Waitlisted Unknown
3 UChicago Waitlisted Unknown
9 UMichigan Waitlisted Unknown
4 UPennsylvania Waitlisted Unknown
20 USouthern California Rejected Unknown
4 UVirginia Waitlisted Unknown
19 Vanderbilt University Waitlisted Unknown
16 Washington Universit... Waitlisted Unknown


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ive been on WL since early January at this point I just want the R and closure to move on
doubt after so long ill get an A
@menherachan: I write a LOCI every month lmao they have enough writing material from me for a novella
these WLs make me feel sick
just one A
that's all i want
why was i so delusional when i was picking schools to apply to
are waitlist acceptances a thing this late?
really just 1-off things as people have other opportunities/ emergencies pop up and decide to defer or withdraw
theoretically there could be an orientation no-show and they can give someone on WL an A and say hi show up tomorrow if you want it
and you'll be the one getting that A purgatory!!
thanks! hard to stay hopeful 7 months in, also receiving a WL update every month starting with we have spaces open and will be looking to WL to fill those seats to yeah there's like 1 space available
will you r&r if the WLs don't pan out or are you in somewhere else?
still talking about it with my therapist lol
bruh after seeing how insane i started going this cycle I think i might need to find a therapist to get me through the next one lmao
yeah highly recommend it, prioritize your mental well being.
i'm hoping i ED and get accepted so I can be done going insane in December instead of dragging it out to next summer
id prob offer one of my extremities or limbs to be accepted to a t14 by december
does that mean im unhealhy
no i'm the same
health is wealth
i also think some of you need to work on having realistic expectations
oh yeah i think ab that all the time, i'd gladly give up both feet for a spot at Duke off the WL this cycle
would prob give up 2 fingers for vandy
I R&R’d
Second cycle was extremely less stressful bc i already knew what to expect
how many of those schools did you reapply to
or was it like mostly a new set for the second cycle
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