also, some controversial evidence that the best performing demo in the military is Hispanic men, who may or may not be targeted by recruiters because it is a lot easier to fix your parents or spouses immigration status if you are in the military
best performing in terms of less likely to flunk out of basic, more likely to reenlist, etc
@lilypadfrog: It really depends on the recruiter. A lot of people who sign contracts for example think any bonuses will come immediately but recruiters often don't tell them the bonus is spread out over like the three years of their contract or six years or whatever. People also don't explain what MOS's do and recruiters will hold good MOS's from people because they know they can use that MOS to get someone else. Theirs like small things like that which are annoying. Some recruiters say like I will get you to Fort Worth or whatever and then the person ends up in some other random place. With some people recruiters also sneak like ranger school or airborne into peoples contracts without telling them.
In terms of actually recruiting people, the military needs to being back the 80 IQ requirement. They need to actually pay people for how skilled they are outside of the officer class and they need to stop thinking they can take literally anyone and make them a good solider because they can't.
Their's so much more to go into but it's literally a lost cause to me and it's not going to change. Literally if China invaded tomorrow I would not fight back. I have more faith in Chinese leadership than American military.
Thank you Dk I appreciate your insight on this
@Dkk: dont say that, thats forrest gump erasure
You are welcome. @Tara it's interesting you bring that up because the military did remove the IQ requirement for Vietnam and the odds of someone like Gump dieing increased by like 3x in Vietnam. Now it's interesting because a lot of fratricide occurred in Vietnam. People think those guys were simply sent off to do the worst jobs because their intelligence stood out. Others say they just tended to fuck up and die quicker. Probably a little of both is true but I think those guys could be better utilized as machinists or other types of factory workers instead of just having em die on the frontline. Others at the war college say they are a priceless human resource. Modern war theory though essentially says the best way to fight a war is to have highly trained people like in the movie 12 strong that just go in and end things quickly. However, some argue the theory is wrong. It's interesting you bring that up.
The cynic in me says some people are better off coming back as a flag though. I have met people where honestly the best thing they could do is die for their country but that's not a nice thought.
i have a bleeding heart but i also like career advancement
can't speak to that, but I think that's a really awesome gig
Depends on the rights they advocate for. Gotta save the time you throw yourself into the fire for something you believe in cus you usually only get one shot.
Honestly with the Trump administration, it's probably not the right time based on what I know about your beliefs.
Or it's the most important time to do so.
That's another factor. If you have a cause you have to keep momentum up with the cause. Your choice wasp.
I think the whole trans rights movement has really overplayed their hand in the last 8 years or so. I think people are fed up with that and several other things. The whole movement is gunna be dead for at least 12 or so more years.
dk trans people are one of the most vulnerable populations in society and respecting their rights is a watershed moment for what equality looks like in america maybe for the next century
dkk... i'm going to assume you're cisgender and have very little idea what's happening in queer politics/lives. but you really could not be more wrong
Things are gunna just be as they are for a while. Law is going to be passed and it's going to take many years to get the laws removed.
i certainly hope not. anti-trans laws kill.
It matters less what actually is happening. It matters more what people perceive and they do not perceive the trans rights movement in a positive light. I do think trans people should have the right to affirm their gender but their is too much stuff with children, too many people who want to create a third gender, and too much publicity about it. It is good to have publicity but it's too much talking about it. It has to be a third tier issue for a while and then it can come back. It's not going to work as an issue on the same level as like the border or spending or abortion right now. Especially when the Abortion issue has not been worked out.
Just by the way you speak about a "third gender," I can tell you really don't know anything about the trans rights movement. You're actually proving your point about public misconception, just not in the way you meant to.
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