


Simple English definitions for legal terms

actionable nuisance

Read a random definition: Race-notice statute

A quick definition of actionable nuisance:

An actionable nuisance is a situation or condition that interferes with the use or enjoyment of property. This can include things like loud noises or bad smells that make it hard to enjoy your home or land. It can also be something that damages the physical condition of nearby land or makes it hard to use public roads or easements. Sometimes, the person responsible for the nuisance can be held liable for any harm caused.

A more thorough explanation:

An actionable nuisance is a condition, activity, or situation that interferes with the use or enjoyment of property. This can include things like loud noises or foul odors that make it difficult for people to use or enjoy their property. It can also refer to nontransitory conditions or persistent activities that either injure the physical condition of adjacent land or interfere with its use or with the enjoyment of easements on the land or of public highways.

Liability for an actionable nuisance might or might not arise from the condition or situation. In some cases, the nuisance might be a right thing in the wrong place, like a pig in the parlor instead of the barnyard. In other cases, the nuisance might be a tort, which means that it is a wrongful act that causes harm to another person or their property.

For example, if a factory emits toxic fumes that make it difficult for nearby residents to breathe, this could be considered an actionable nuisance. Similarly, if a neighbor plays loud music late at night, this could also be considered an actionable nuisance if it interferes with the ability of other people to sleep or enjoy their property.

These examples illustrate how an actionable nuisance can interfere with the use or enjoyment of property. In both cases, the actions of one person or entity are causing harm to others, either through physical injury or by making it difficult for them to use or enjoy their property. This is why actionable nuisances are often the subject of legal action, as they can have a significant impact on the lives of those affected.

actionable negligence | actionable per quod


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was guitar guy the typical male manipulator architype?
i made a reddit for the first time and got yelled at immedietly
what did you post??? lmaooooo
i literally gave a guy a recommnedation to watch a certain episode of kill tony and he said im triggered and need to stop pining him because he likes what he likes
i was like holy fuck its 9 am how do u have so much malice in ur soul
it’s so crazy when a law school emails you with the subject line “while you’re waiting for our lsat scores”
like why are they yours??
also did you guys know you could follow people on here?? i just realized I have people following me
where do i see that
Are yall listing the other schools you're applying to when asked on an application? I feel iffy about it, especially at schools where yield protection might be a problem
don’t do that lol. they can’t make you
yeah they shouldn't be asking you that.
just tell them you're applying to monsters university
as far as i know, that information is simply for data collection purposes
i don't think it has a detrimental effect on your chances of admission
but also you don't need to tell them anything so lol
Can y'all help me understand something lol. What does it mean for an app to "go complete"? Is that when the school has reviewed it and made a decision?
Na, it's when they have all the required information
Gotcha. So what would be the difference between received and completed?
Does complete entail like the app + LORs?
That makes sense. Thank you!
complete basically means they've acknowledged receipt and it's ready to go under review whenever they start the deliberative process
I still haven't had Chicago or Cornell go complete, but I think that's just how they be
when did you submit
How do you know when an application is complete? Is it on LSAC or the school's portal?
it'll be on the school-specific portal
when they opened
they both say something along the lines of "received and waiting to be processed"
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