


Simple English definitions for legal terms

actionable per quod

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A quick definition of actionable per quod:

Actionable per quod: Words that are potentially defamatory but not inherently so, and therefore require the plaintiff to prove special damages in addition to the utterance. For example, if someone says "the plaintiff is crazy," the plaintiff must prove that the defendant intended the words to mean that the plaintiff was mentally impaired or deficient in business or professional capacity, and that these words caused the plaintiff to suffer special damages.

A more thorough explanation:

Actionable per quod refers to potentially defamatory words that are not inherently defamatory and therefore require allegation and proof of special damages. For instance, if someone says, "The plaintiff is crazy," the statement is actionable per quod. This means that the plaintiff must prove that the defendant intended the words to mean that the plaintiff was mentally impaired or deficient in business or professional capacity, and that these words caused the plaintiff to suffer special damages.

On the other hand, actionable per se refers to defamatory words that are legally and conclusively presumed defamatory. For example, if someone says of a fiduciary, "That person embezzles client funds," the statement is actionable per se. The plaintiff does not have to allege or prove special damages.

The terminology "actionable per se" has caused confusion with another doctrine that distinguishes between words that convey a defamatory meaning on their face and words of veiled detraction whose offense is apparent only when the context and circumstances are revealed. The former are sometimes said to be defamatory "per se," whereas the latter must have an accompanying "innuendo" or explanation to be properly pleaded.

  • If someone says that a doctor is incompetent, the statement is actionable per quod. The plaintiff must prove that the defendant intended the words to mean that the plaintiff was deficient in professional capacity, and that these words caused the plaintiff to suffer special damages.
  • If someone says that a person is a thief, the statement is actionable per se. The plaintiff does not have to allege or prove special damages because the statement is inherently defamatory.

These examples illustrate the difference between actionable per quod and actionable per se. In the first example, the statement is not inherently defamatory, and the plaintiff must prove that the defendant intended to defame them and caused them special damages. In the second example, the statement is inherently defamatory, and the plaintiff does not have to prove special damages because the statement is presumed to be defamatory.

actionable nuisance | actionable per se


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@LMNTree: yeah i’ve been hearing that there was one really hard section in a lot of people’s tests today
/this administration
@LMNTree: literally yeah
the RC was the easiest I’ve ever seen it personally
How easy was the test overall and what set of PTs was most reminiscent to the September
Good luck to all test takers today!!
hi valley
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good luck bunny!
hi everyone! I've been in DC for the past days. Anybody else get a WashU interview?
oh I already took it lol
i’m going to nyc to hang out today
ahh thought you took it today
how do you feel it went?
@RollTide316: I will be an October test taker.
wait is glove taking their test today
manifesting the easiest most stellar and almost fun questions for glove (and everyone else)
Nel folks that could be a 147 i just put up
its a 180 trust
but i know the feeling
its gonna be so good its already so good
manifesting a “it’s gonna be so good” for glove
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