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Agricultural labor refers to work that is done on a farm or ranch, such as harvesting crops, taking care of animals, or collecting milk and honey. This type of work is often excluded from certain labor laws, which means that workers may not have access to benefits like unemployment insurance or workers' compensation.
Definition: Agricultural labor refers to work that is done on a farm or ranch, or work that is related to the production of commodities. This can include tasks such as harvesting crops, raising livestock, or obtaining milk, honey, or other animal products.
Examples of agricultural labor include:
Agricultural labor is often excluded from certain labor laws, such as unemployment insurance and workers' compensation. This means that workers in this industry may not have access to the same benefits and protections as workers in other industries.
Overall, agricultural labor is an important part of the economy and plays a crucial role in providing food and other products to consumers.
agricultural-disparagement law | Agricultural Marketing Service