Simple English definitions for legal terms
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A combination is when people or companies work together to achieve a common goal, usually related to making money. It can also refer to a type of invention that combines different elements or substances to create something new and useful. In the past, inventors had to show that their combination was surprising or had a special result, but now there are no special rules for combination patents. An exhausted combination is when an element in a new combination works in the same way as an element in a previously patented combination.
A combination is when individuals or companies work together to achieve a common goal, usually related to making money. It can also refer to a conspiracy or straddle. In the context of patents, a combination is when old and new elements are brought together to create a new invention that performs a useful function.
These examples illustrate how a combination can be used in different contexts, from business to patents. In each case, it involves bringing together different elements to achieve a common goal or create something new and useful.