Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Definition: Conusor is another word for cognizor, which refers to the person who grants land in a legal document called a conveyance by fine. This document acknowledges that the land belongs to the person receiving it, who is called the cognizee. The term conusor is used specifically in reference to the fine document.
Definition: Conusor (pronounced kon-yuh-zor or -zur) is a term used in legal history to refer to the grantor of land in a conveyance by fine. It is also known as cognizor.
Example: In the 18th century, when a person wanted to transfer ownership of their land to someone else, they would use a legal process called a "fine". The person who was giving away the land was called the conusor or cognizor, and the person receiving the land was called the cognizee.
Explanation: The term conusor was used specifically in the context of a conveyance by fine, which was a legal process used to transfer ownership of land. The conusor was the person who was giving away the land, and they would acknowledge that the land belonged to the person receiving it (the cognizee). This acknowledgment was recorded in court and was known as the "acknowledgment of right".