Defamacast is when someone says something untrue about another person on TV or radio, which hurts their reputation. This is a type of defamation, which means saying something false that harms someone's reputation. Defamation can be written (called libel) or spoken (called slander). If the statement is about something important to the public, the person who said it must prove it's true or they can get in trouble. Trade defamation is when someone says something false that hurts a business's reputation.
A more thorough explanation:
Defamacast means to defame someone through television or radio broadcast. It is a form of defamation, which is when someone makes a false statement that harms another person's reputation. For example, if a news anchor reports false information about a celebrity that damages their reputation, it could be considered defamacast. This word was first used in a court case in 1962.