






Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of information:

Information: Information is a way of telling someone that they did something wrong and they have to go to court. It's like a formal accusation that a lawyer or police officer makes. They have to give it to the person who is accused of doing something wrong when they go to court. If the accusation is serious, there has to be a special meeting where the lawyer has to show the judge that there is enough evidence to prove that the person did something wrong. Information can also be used in other types of cases where someone broke the law. There are rules that say how information can be used in court.

A more thorough explanation:

Information is a formal accusation or charge that starts criminal proceedings in court. It is a way of communicating knowledge about a supposed crime. The prosecuting attorney or law officer files the information, which states the alleged crimes and must be given to the accused person at their first court appearance.

If the charges are serious, like a felony, there must be a preliminary hearing where the prosecution presents evidence to convince the judge that the defendant likely committed the crimes.

Information can be used in place of an indictment by a grand jury in some criminal cases. It can also be used in civil cases to mandate penalties or forfeitures for legal violations.

John is accused of stealing a car. The prosecuting attorney files an information that states the charge of grand theft auto. At John's first court appearance, he is given a copy of the information. Later, there will be a trial to determine if John is guilty of the crime.

In another example, a company is accused of violating environmental regulations. The government files an information that states the charges. The company must then defend itself in court and may face penalties if found guilty.

These examples illustrate how information is a formal accusation that starts legal proceedings. It communicates knowledge about alleged crimes or legal violations and initiates the process of determining guilt or innocence.

informal rulemaking | information and belief




General chat about the legal profession.
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get sum drank in you
oh yeah you're catholic? name 5 things you did as a child that you still feel crippling guilt about
adult convert (Dubs)
i aint ever going to law school huh
why did you only apply to reaches
didnt want to go anywhere else
so get your lsat up
Yeah get it up.
nothin worse than a pitiful lsat
you did not apply only to reaches
u don no what i did, this is user reported, I could have a 178 and be accepted to yale but be a mad crazy troll
^100% a lie
if you had a 178 I wouldn't be telling you to get your lsat up
unlike reddit
That's amazing. 3.7/171 reaches. Lmfao. Yeah, kinda true. Seems like a 172/3.9 was like the minimum for a T14 this cycle. TBH, you should only apply to schools you want to go to or will further your career so I applaud you for doing that if they are reaches.
I think what's worse is just applying late this cycle.
I'm in a situation where improving my LSAT but my GPA just won't help. At 3.7 that's similar. Anything below 3.7 seems to be like that. Could improve your LSAT but not necessarily going to get into a T14. May just have to cope this cycle or next.
So ima haf 2 wait 2 monday 2 get resultz?
I mean i have a great career job so it was more or less shooting my shot
If anything yes another cycle, i pt higher than 171 so maybe thatll be a good boost
fair weather law student, honestly best way to be: not desperate to get in, no rush, and max leverage since u have little to gain, my hat is off to u
Thx thx, also i must say my gpa is a 3.7mid idk why yall get so picky on the difference i just dont wanna doz
Look at this Crypto pump. Warning incredibly offensive coin and website and twitter: https://pump.fun/coin/5LJMJyR8MtAkbtpf8kFUV7S9oFG3xaGDdcnFxYt9pump
That .05 is a big difference lol.
@BreezyUnnaturalMonster: awesome! now I have malware, ty for that
brb chat gonna go and disassemble, wash hard-rive wtih soap and water, and reboot OS. My friday is fked
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