Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Demand of View: In the past, when someone was being sued over land, they could ask to see the land in question to make sure they knew what it was. This was called a demand of view. Today, a view can also mean when a jury goes to see something important to a case, like a crime scene or a piece of evidence that can't be moved.
Definition: In a real action, a request by a defendant (called a tenant) to see the thing at issue to ascertain its identity and the circumstances of the claim.
Example: If a tenant is sued for a piece of land that they are not familiar with, they can demand a view to see the land and understand the claim better.
Explanation: Demand of view is a legal term used in real actions where a defendant requests to see the thing at issue to understand the claim better. For example, if a tenant is sued for a piece of land, they can demand a view to see the land and understand the claim better. This helps the defendant to ascertain the identity of the land and the circumstances surrounding it.
Related Term: View
Example: A jury's trip to inspect a place or thing relevant to the case it is considering.
Explanation: View is a legal term used when a jury is taken to inspect a place or thing relevant to the case they are considering. For example, if a case involves a car accident, the jury may be taken to the accident site to understand the circumstances better. This helps the jury to make an informed decision based on the evidence presented.