


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of diptych:

A diptych is a type of tablet made of wood or metal that is folded like a book with two leaves. In ancient times, people used diptychs to send letters and write important information. The church also used diptychs to record names of people who made supplication, and to remember those who died in the faith. The mention of a person's name in the diptychs was a recognition of their orthodoxy, and its omission was the opposite. In liturgics, the diptychs are distinguished as the diptychs of the living and the diptychs of the dead, the latter including also the commemoration of the saints. The use of diptychs died out in the Western Church between the ninth and twelfth century, but it still continues in the Eastern Church.

A more thorough explanation:

A diptych is a set of two tablets that are usually made of wood or metal and tied together with string through holes at the edges so that they can fold over like a book with two leaves. The word "diptych" comes from the Greek word "diptycha," which means "two-leaved."

In Roman law, diptychs were often used to send letters. The text was sometimes written using a stylus, once on the inside waxed leaves and again on the outside, so that it could be read without opening the tablets.

In Ecclesiastical law, diptychs were used by the church to register names of those making supplication, and to record births, marriages, and deaths. The registry of those names was also called a diptych.

The recitation of the name of any prelate or civil ruler in the diptychs was a recognition of his orthodoxy; its omission, the reverse. The mention of a person after death recognized him as having died in the communion of the church, and the introduction of his name into the list of saints or martyrs constituted canonization.

For example, in the early Christian church, diptychs were used in the celebration of divine worship. They were placed on the pulpits or reading desks, which may still be seen in ancient basilicas at the west end of the choir or presbytery. From them, the names of the celebrating priests, those who occupied the superior positions in the Christian hierarchy, the saints, martyrs, and confessors, and, in process of time, also of those who had died in the faith were read to the congregation of the faithful.

The use of diptychs died out in the Western Church between the ninth and twelfth centuries, but it still continues in the Eastern Church.

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hello friends
lawguy we're nearly stats twins :D
I saw that, and I saw you got the Georgetown interview invite yesterday too! Goodluck!
you too haha, i was super surprised to have received one so early not gonna lie
i heard the group interview is really chill and I'm kinda excited to do it
seems cool
Yeah, 7sage has a page that talks about the questions for each schools interview, GULC's seems unique
Idk how much of an effect it has on admissions chances but should be cool either way
ive heard the conversion rate for gulc group interview is pretty high even moreso if you have the stats
it's hard to say but i've also heard that the group interview is harder to get than the alumni interview. but who really knows tbh
im p sure they don't interview everyone and getting one this early should be a great sign!
Yeah I've heard the same ab the group interview
So maybe I'll see you in D.C. a year from now lmao
Speaking of stat twins kazuyamishima were exact stat twins lol
Anyone going to the UGA zoom thing on the 22nd?
My bad, 24th*
Idk, what's it for?
@Law-Guy: How'd you get the Vandy fee waiver?
What does going ur3 in 3 days mean at Uva 😅
that you will get UR2 in 3 more
somethings gotta give
I’m new. What’s the UR and UR2?
I already went ur2. It’s the 3rd status date change
@RustyWrangler: attend one of their virtual info sessions and they'll send you a fee waiver
@Law-Guy: Awesome, thanks! I'll sign up rn!
i'm not entirely sure
They've recently been sending a lot of interview invites
It means status change?
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