Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Definition: A fautor is someone who actively supports or encourages a particular cause or person. In the past, it was also used to describe someone who helped resist the execution of legal orders. The word comes from Latin and is no longer commonly used in modern English.
Related Terms: Faux, Crimen Falsi
Definition: A fautor is someone who actively supports or encourages a particular cause or person. In legal terms, it can also refer to someone who helps resist the execution of a legal process.
The first example illustrates how a fautor can be a supporter of a political candidate and work towards their success. The second example shows how a fautor can be someone who helps a criminal evade justice.
Definition: Faux is a legal term that means false or counterfeit. It can also refer to the fraudulent alteration of the truth.
This example shows how faux can be used in a legal context to refer to false documents that have been created to deceive someone.